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Location: Pembroke, MA
Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Led.. no no, red HEAD. not neck 
_________________ zebob 06/09 @ 11:14 am
im more of an alethic computer geek that doesnt play sports but is still strong.
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:59 pm Reply with quote
jerry717 wrote: I use PS for a living and can produce quality images in my's what I get paid to do. Those who take this site too seriously should get a Life.
For those who are disturbed by the voting results...Too bad.
That about sums it up.
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:00 pm Reply with quote
leif wrote: Do you people realize how rediculous you sound!!!
This was good too.
Location: Head Up Hwy 613 Turn left at the goats.
Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:49 pm Reply with quote
Is this the twilight zone or something? "Lost In Space"? What in the hell are you people talking about? Is GooFY the only one who cares to understand?
[quote="GooFY"]Reading through this, I do see one possible interpretation for the original thought presented by MommysBoy. What if some of the oldtimers were inspired by this contest to perhaps drop in and post once in a while? That would give any newbies, hopefully, the inspiration they need to improve their skills and maybe at the same time remind some of the more jaded oldsters what is so great about this site. And it is a great site. And it was an incredible contest. I can't wait to see who wins!
I can only assume that all this jibber jabber is directed at patim cause that's the only post I can find that you could be talking about. Strange world we live in.
_________________ I never said that!
Site Moderator
Location: North Carolina
Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:10 pm Reply with quote
I want to thank Nancers for setting up the reunion day.
Yeah, cause in the end it rocked big time. My chair is still wet.
Location: Croatia
Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:25 pm Reply with quote
Yep, it was fun, I experienced how good can it be with advantage program. Being on time every day, great...
Maybe we could have reunion every first of month with one advantage image for all
It is fun but there are also votes, please don't say votes are insignificant. Try to remove votes and let us post just for fun, huh... I don't think so.
But... It is true that votes should not be taken to seriously as they are matter of life.
One day I win, one day I am so bad that I regret that posts cannot be removed. But who cares, this is fun. Doing the best and making other to like you. As I said sometimes: if voting policy is to vote for a friends then you need to become a friend. Simple.
Begging, yelling, complaining about 'unfair' voting, doesn't make you a friend but rather pain in the ass.
It is fun to see 'how my post will do today'. ONLY 4 VOTES ??????? Crap. Another day... FROM 4 TO 6 ???? Crap again, I gues it is too bad...well, I like it, and I'm satisfied with it, but others don't. So what...
But, ya know, one day I patched a tunel to a rock and win the contest. Yea, I thought it will get about 10 votes at most  )))))
So, I suggest: give us all an image for April 1st and lets do family gathering again 
_________________ Together Everyone Achieves More
Location: Netherlands
Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:35 pm Reply with quote
MommysBoy wrote:
I can only assume that all this jibber jabber is directed at patim cause that's the only post I can find that you could be talking about. Strange world we live in.
If that is so MB, Than I'm asking myself who is making a fool out of himself, The people whom most benefit from this 'strange' voting habits, are the same that react the most agressive to these comments.
And Nancers, Stop pointing at others. It was you who degraded all the newbies as you say; and I quote:
Did you SEE all the high quality posts? All the funny ones?
THIS is what it's all about baybee..screw cut and paste. LOL
Putting LOL behind it aint giving you the right to be so self-rightious
So if all the jibber jabber is for me, thanks you've noticed and reacted in the predictable way. I'm still here and still having fun. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. But please don't lower yourselves by this flaming agressive behaviour to someone that doesn't feel the need to kiss your asses
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:07 pm Reply with quote
Whoa, take it down a notch Patim.
I gotta step in here and say that Nancers is one of the cool ones around here. I read her remark totally differently than you do. And I'm NOT sleeping with her... but I do respect her.
I've been target for some serious abuse around here in the past - I gotta tell you all it hurts. Even though this is "FUN" and the votes don't "count" and it doesn't matter if Mommy'sBoy hates Reinman (  ) it still hurts when someone singles you out and accuses you of something that you had NO idea what they are talking about. I myself have lashed out in a pissed off state cause some nasty chop-cop or another decided to start a ReinHatePooPoo club. And then I get mad at myself for being just like those I'm critisizing. (please enjoey speling, I worked hard at it)
So I may sound like a broken record here (but that if probably because my record is SO broken!) but CHOP CHOP CHOP. That is the lowest and hightest denominator here.
SIDE NOTE: I think that is a neat idea to "give" away one image a month for a EVERYBODY GETS ONE FOR FREE posting day. A) it flattens the playing field for all, even those people without $3.50 US in their pocket. B) it is good promotion for the Advantage system.
Side SIDE NOTE: Patim - you iz a Dutchy! How come you ain't chillin' on all this? 
Site Moderator
Location: Rochester, NY
Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:35 pm Reply with quote
Some artists are only meant to paint in watercolor.....some to play music acousticly....
...YOU, Sir, are meant to type in the forum threads.
You're not a chat thread person.
I've seen you crossover appeal. This is your domain.
Which is good. Cuz if you got caught talking like this on the chat thread, wrong time of the day, you'd get yer Canadian ass kicked. 
Location: Netherlands
Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:43 pm Reply with quote
Howdy Reinman,
I'm as chilled that you can freeze an elephant in 2 minutes. Being a Dutchy or not has nothing to do with that.
I am just a person that dislikes the fact that there can be two kinds of truth. Speaking negatively about others while if someone steps up to you or has the guts to say what is on his mind, burning him down. that is an injustice I can't stand.
Every single person here on the forum who is saying something about the voting-habits or even make a slight remark to a post, gets the whole bunch over him. Always in the same statements: Get a life, get out he's grazy etc. Maybe the people who react in this way should do some seriuos studying on theire behaviour here in the forums.
Seeing al the PM's I get from people who agree with me, but don't dare (anymore) to put it on the forums, makes me itchy. They are all bullied away by the shanting of the happy few. THAT'S what is wrong here and that's what I'm angry about. It has to do with justice imo.
And for all the others that will try to walk over me again. Don't hold your breath. I do have a life and coming here is just for fun. If I was here for votes, i'd rather would have shut up and make 'friends' ( the ass kissing I mean with that).
So leave it as you wish. I won't take part of this discussion anymore, cause I can see that honesty is not as much appreciated as 'kissing'
I'm off. Gonna spent some time in my real life ( that's to bed now cause it's late)
_________________ Photoshop is fun
Former Site Moderator
Location: Pennsyltucky
Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:06 pm Reply with quote
Did you SEE all the high quality posts? All the funny ones?
THIS is what it's all about baybee..screw cut and paste. LOL
OK, you baited me. At what point in that quote did I slam newbies? I made an observation I believe most people will agree with. There were a lot of high quality and funny posts yesterday. That's what I said. Cut and paste images suck, whether posted by a newbie or someone who has been here for a long time.
You are way off patim.
This is the second time you've gone after me at this site. I won't be baited by you any more.
JMH is there an "ignore" feature yet?
JMH is there a way we can use the same tags in both chat and forum? 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:19 pm Reply with quote
bluefist wrote:
Which is good. Cuz if you got caught talking like this on the chat thread, wrong time of the day, you'd get yer Canadian ass kicked. 
I hope you got a BIG foot - as I have a rather refined large Canadian Ass!
(You'll want to wear steel-toes, as those squats at the gym have given me some STONE IN MY BUTT! ) 
Wed Mar 02, 2005 8:31 pm Reply with quote
my take is more and more becoming the following: if you're not satisfied with the votes you're getting,practice your ass off chopping for hours and hours (like the people who get the votes did)..and get so good that people simply can't ignore you seems that even with all the problems, for the most part, the best entries usually are reflected by the the best and you'll have nothing to cry about..that's my plan 
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