Cynn wrote:
You know what we should have next? Swap Day. Where instead of posting our entries, we send them to another member who posts them. That way we have no way of knowing who chopped what. That'd be interesting.
Hahaha! That WOULD be funny. It could be run like the Tournament, except when jmh does the pairings he'll keep them anonymous, just mail each person who they're swapping with.
It SHOULD work!
It COULD be total chaos!
There WOULD be jokes, accusations, wild guesses and insults flying!
(So... just like another normal PSC contest then...

Cynn wrote:
So, if you care about your VPP, the best strategy is either to never post during reunions, or only post during reunions
Another inspired comment there Cynn. Why do you think I didn't take part? lol.
I'm not as "old" an "oldbie" as many that returned to post, but I'm no "spring PSC chicken" either - I knew that the reunion would best be a day to sit back and watch the real experts at work. I knew I couldn't compete with the whole collected crowd of PSC aces in terms of Photoshop skills, nor (more importantly) on creative ideas. So I just sat back and enjoyed the pixel-ride that has been that contest! It's been fun!
And to be honest so has this thread been, in a voyeuristic, "rubbernecking-at-the-pile-up-on-the-opposite-carriageway" sort of way...