yes EJH, it seems that Amine has a
thing for pulling a fast one on us all.
Obviously, this is an extreme case demonstrating what I've been discussing for the past few weeks.
There are others that have the same look and feel which as I can only describe as just too perfect or too much for a crazy contest like this that also includes a portion(s), in one manner or another, of the daily starting image. These images, too, must be looked at and evaluated based on the work of the psc member and not the work of a getty images photographer. Keep in mind that I'm not suggesting you all search for for proof that one entry isn't a stolen stock image but just use some common sense.
This is, afterall, just a friendly little competition site where we all try to do neat things with photo manipulation. Most here really work hard to do the best images they can but those that could do what you all thought Amine had done would certainly not take the time or make the effort to do it that perfectly for this site and it's contest. IMHO.
I really hope this will bring this subject some merit and cause people to look twice before clicking vote.
badcop, no such luck on me being amine. I just got lucky