Looks like 140 plus people, someone else is helping him set up brackets, so the matchups will not be random, and he hopes to have it started as early as Monday or Tuesday!
In case anyone missed it, JMH showed up in chat on Friday night, here's what he said re: the tournament:
04/22 @ 11:03 pm
the tourny is going to be epic.. I hope to start it mon or tues.
04/22 @ 11:09 pm
I am still most suprised at my showing last time, I hope to come up with a few good ideas this time too. We will see though. The competition is unreal. When the 1st round is announced, people are going to shit. I have actually left it in a well trusted 3rd party's hands. The matchups are sure to be fair and fun.
04/22 @ 11:10 pm
oh yeah, we are at 140 plus right now.
04/22 @ 11:14 pm
I hope to rush the first few rounds, then let the rest go at a slower pace.
04/22 @ 11:16 pm
last time I relied on a computer to pick the match-ups, there is no replacement for an honest human though. You will see what I mean when it all gets going. It should be a lot of fun.