Hi Mojo....welcome.
The daily picture is selected by a group of elite choppers, all of whom have a vpp of 103 minimum. Not unlike the election of the pope, these elite choppers gather around every night in an undisclosed location. There, the eldest, and the only one with the password to the super duper G6 Mac (yes, G6 is not even out yet for the masses, that's how advanced these guys are...), boots the thing, and while the lights dim and hum, the elite choppers start a chant. I don't know the chant myself, not being an elite chopper, but I heard ReinMan has managed to download it from some site; he practices it every night after playing the accordian, in the hopes that he too, will one day join the elite.
Anyway, a cyber vault is open, and the elite gather around the 14 foot screen to scrutinize potential images. Only once an image has been selected by unanimous vote will it appear as the daily pict.
ps...I would seriously think about steering clear of that nancers. Although we have never spoken, I can sense her diabolical intents eminating from my screen whenever she appears.
*Is it diabolical or diabolic?*