I think it's an overgeneralization to say all the good choppers are leaving because one member seems to have made a bit of a production about 'quitting' this site.
Members come and members go, and for the most part if someone is making a point to let people know they 'quit' then they probably take things too seriously here.
This site is designed to be about
photoshopping, and too often other stuff seems to get in the way for some people. It doesn't mean this site is
bad, or that the people that frequent this site are
bad, it simply means we're human and nobody is perfect.
A good rule of thumb is if something is causing you to stress or fret, avoid it if you can. Take a break, regroup, reorganize your thoughts. Many members have done this for a while and have come back with a more realistic perspective on this site. Some haven't found a place for PSC in their existence. Neither choice is correct; it all depends on what is right for you.
You must remember too that there are several reasons people are no longer around, from work to family responsibility to being abducted by aliens (
HTUK), etc. To each their own. Live and let live. Veni Vedi Veci....etc.
*edit*--my apologies to Tex....I thought this thread topic was ALL good choppers are leaving. Sorry for misreading!