death toll is now 37 people... over 200 critically injured, and a further 700 injured but with non life threatening consequences.....althought included in this number are many who had to receive on site medical amputations at the various bomb sites..... they have confirmed 2 dead on the bus.....although there could be more as there is so many body parts i am sad to report to identify at this time.....
You know, watching this today showed me Bin Laden and his band of brainwashed freaks, are just scaremongers.....
they have no real powers, but to scare us...
the people of this peace loving world, into thinking that we have to watch our backs at every moment, and feel ashamed to live the way we do......
well tell you what from the heart bin laden.......
fuck you, and all you think is right, i aint buying that and i bet a whole shit load of you reading this agree with me...........
now i apologise for the language but i am pissed off good and proper.......
this is my country, and any fucker who lives in my country while plotting to blow holes in parts of it deserve to be introduced to the business end of a fucking gun....
and i am more against guns than anyone ya'll meet......
but this is my country.....
my fucking life....
and my freedom, you think your gonna get all this bin laden by trying to kill me......
read the krhn again you freak.....
cos it sure dont say smite thyn enemy with explosive and large destructive devices...
but of course.....
if ya thinking it...
you can windle it to sound like that........
fuck u bin laden.....
just FUCK OFF, dam im so tired and pissed off