Don't be so vain as to think that people are going out of their way to make you feel unwelcome.
Just kidding.
Don't let it get to you. You have to learn the fine art of sucking up to people. I suggest inviting a few mods to your home town with the promise of a beer, knowing that they won't ever take you up on the offer.
Or, if that doesn't work, maybe you could try congratulating people on a job well done, even though deep inside, you feel like pulling a zedd or sword.
If that doesn't work, maybe you could try PMing someone like leif or polishmafia. I'm sure they'll be glad to help you out.
And, if after all that, you still feel targeted, just remember it could be worse. People might know that you wear boxers with cartoons on them and announce it publicly.
Oh the shame...the shame.