Ok, so here's the summary so far...
We have the possibility of dewking and his ragtag band of Chicken, xov, and mezo.
Then we have nancers and Showcase hanging out here, but are you officially in and is your same team coming back?
We have Synthvet, Lrossa, and wolf_man possibly teaming up and needing a 4th.
Then we have hax as a free agent and I saw Cynn had "stepped up on the slab" in the other thread and then we have blue_lurker who throwing himself out there.
And then it looks like Goat and Reinman have some interest, but Reinman can't read past the first sentence, in fact, it is impossible that he is reading this right now based upon his criteria for reading the text in a post.
EDIT: The following people at some point also showed some spark of interest in the meat market thread:
One Chief Rocker
vunt van pumununt
Still plenty of time to sign up and join up and if you're on the fence, jump down.