Quick summary, let me know if I missed anything.
Teams that are officially signed up:
The P.H.O.T.O. (Pickled Herring of The Ocean)
Wolf_man, Synthvet, Lrossa, blue_lurker
Team Killer Bunnies
Showcase, nancers, Cynn, kencd7
Currently Unnamed
Goat1981, vunt van pumununt, Robaccomando, Feral Hamster
Teams in the making or just need to make it official:
Dewking, Chicken, xovlov, mezopunk?
Reinman, YerPalAl, gravyboat, & ???
Turpin Photo Editing
(Rebel_Haven_2008 & ???)
Free Agents (aka no team yet)
Lord David, mason4300, HkLevjer, 1337Haxor
There's 4 of you