Quick summary, let me know if I missed anything or got something wrong:
Teams that are signed up:
The P.H.O.T.O. (Pickled Herring of The Ocean)
Wolf_man, Synthvet, Lrossa, blue_lurker
Team Killer Bunnies
Showcase, nancers, Cynn, kencd7
No Name 1
Goat1981, vunt van pumununt, Robaccomando, Feral Hamster
bluefist, the202, MissRobin74, chrispis
Opium Bale
Mason4300, dbbowling, Lord David, Pensolvo
Officially Caffeinated Choppers
AlmostPerfect, Goldenslumbers, ???, ???
No Name 2
Reinman, YerPalAl, gravyboat, ???
No Name 3
Dewking, Chicken, xovlov, mezopunk
Turpin Photo Editing
Rebel_Haven_2008, ???, ???, ???
Free Agents (aka no team yet):
Tricked, HkLevjer, wcgems, Cambria, cafn8d, JoeyB6571
kooi? 1337Haxor?
Things we need to know:
1. You teams that have no name, you need to make one up, and let me suggest The Procrastinators
2. The teams who don’t have 4 team members listed (OCC, No Name 2, and Turpin) we need to get team member names from you unless you are going to have a 2 or 3 person team, in which case you need to let us know.
3. Turpin Photo Editing, you need to sign up more people on your team and let us know if you actually still exist.