Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Get your work on Canadian Telivision... Check it out! - Reply to topic
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:35 am Reply with quote
awesome Sy, good one sticking this up in the forums
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:45 am Reply with quote
Sys - don't I know you from somewhere?
Fanshawe College? The Thames de Ontario?
Brian Mercer is the King of Canada, btw!
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:45 pm Reply with quote
Thanks Marc.
Rein man, I'm not sure if we know each other of not? I'm an Infanteer of 21 years now, stationed at regimental HQ The RCR in London, Ontario. I've been here since 2002, and was employed in a combat Intelligence section for 7 years prior to that in Gagetown New Brunswick with a 7 month excursion to Bosnia in 1999. Before that I'd been employed at the Infantry School also in Gagetown, and before that spent 5 years in Germany, and 7 months in Cyprus.
Our paths may have crossed at some point?
I had worked a couple years for Stinson Security while in London in my spare time, like on weekends, stat holidays and summer leave, but found the work far to passive, as far as the treatment of criminals caught in the act.
I do a lot of the photo circuit competition thing online and with print media, and won the amateur photographer of the year award last year in the Canadian Forces and got a first place and two Honorable mentions in the professional division this year. Last years stuff made the papers, so maybe you read something?
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:45 pm Reply with quote
But of course... in fact, we spent some time in Italy a number of years ago. My Regiment did a lot of work there, setting things straight. I'm also the webmaster of my regiments Historic Museum site at or you can buy one of our Regimental history volumes to get all the details, or Italy specific operations at my other web site:
Some may be under disillusion, but the US only joined the second world war some years after Canada had. We also were among the first into the Boer War, we attacked the states and burnt down the White House (it used to be gray) earlier on as a warning, and more recently have had people in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq and a number of other places. The TV news only show you the popular conflicts and wars of the day. There's a lot more going on that you'll never hear about unless you dig for it.
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:50 pm Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: Canada has an army??? 
It had been hoped that the Great War, or First World War, should be "the war to end all wars". Unfortunately, this was not the case. In 1939, the Second World War began with the German invasion of Poland.
Canada declared war soon after. The RCR mobilized as part of the 1st Canadian Division and was sent to the UK in December 1939. The regiment remained there for three years undergoing training and growing impatient for battle. In July 1943 the wish was granted, when the 1st Canadian Division became part of Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.
The assault landing at Pachino, in Sicily, was the Regiment's first and only amphibious operation in wartime. The RCR fought through Sicily and up the Italian "boot" between July 1943 and the end of 1944 as part of the famous British 8th Army. The RCR, along with the rest of the Canadian Corps in Italy, joined the 1st Canadian Army in early 1945 in North West Europe.
The RCR earned 19 of its 54 Battle Honours and suffered over 80% of all its Second World War casualties in Italy.
The Liberation - May 1945
The RCR concluded its wartime service in the liberation of the Netherlands. The liberation of Holland by the Allies remains a moment of monumental significance in history, so much so that the Dutch people still honour many countries. Canada receives hundreds of tulip bulbs from the Dutch government annually as a sign of its unfailing gratitude.
General Charles Foulkes, an officer of The RCR and Commander 1st Canadian Corps, is pictured accepting the surrender of Colonel-General Johannes Blaskowitz on the 5 May, 1945. Upon his return to Canada, General Foulkes was appointed Chief of the General Staff.
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:35 pm Reply with quote
I saw that show last night and Rick Mercer who is TV's greatest ranter has probably opened up a can of worms here. Just wondering if he is aware of how many choppers there are around. As a Canadian I just have to send something in . Most of the chopping will be politically Canadian , but it would be really interesting what non-Canadians will come up with.
Chp away, eh!
Location: East Coast!
Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:54 pm Reply with quote
umm does the guy in this weeks pic like a goverment guy?
cause i dont know about canadain goverment guys
_________________ Look out behind you!
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:42 pm Reply with quote
No Offense taken, to tell you the truth, I didn't know we had an army until I was 16 and joined the militia, couple years later, I went into the full time stuff, (Because I got to play with bigger weapons and learn to use C4 plastics).
Grin, how about a tandem scooter with Jean Cretichen in the front and going back to Trudeau?
Finally, yes, that fellow is the former Prime Minister of Canada. Him and George Bush didn't get along much, and there were disputes about Lumber Issues, and Mad Cow while he ruled. So anything you can make that involves Cows, Lumber, and George Bush will strike the makers of the comedy show, and most Canadians laugh.
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