armogeden thank you for the info, I have no idea what you just said
But I thank you anyway.
nancers how are the men at this site? I couldn't help noticing a few men from Canada and the UK. I would love to meet some of you in person. Do you all have GTGs? I love to flirt with men , and woman also. I just know this site is not the place for that type of behaviour. But as you can tell , I am very lonely person.

That is why I found this place. I am hoping this photo shop thing can keep my mind off sex. But after 6 months I can't even cook dinner without thinking of sex. I do not want to go back to that ass hole of a man just for sex. Maybe some of the lonely women of this forum can help me out with some advise. I hope I am not breaking any rules by not talking about photoshop.
mason I really don't hate men from Texas. But all the ones I have dated so far just want to drink beer, and watch the Cowboys or NBA games. Why can't I find a man like Tom Cruz?