Da_Dude wrote:
wow Scion, you really ARE a whiner. Good that people are starting to see that, mr. PSC-policeman. The day you become a moderator (would be your ultimate achievement huh?), I will eat my own ass.. with a spoon..

See, I never know of your joking with me or just trying to bust my nuggets--
DUDE! How stupid do you think I am? I know WHO you are!
It's the same as last winter when you did this stuff,
I don't know what the deal is...you make obvious mistakes that are a dead give-away.
Anyway- I'm gonna take is if yer just horse playing, I remember the one time
I got pissed off at ya and the trouble THAT started..HA!
Keep having fun !
P.S....I like stuff that keeps the place interesting anyway, but holy cow man,
you go too far sometimes.