Okay...I got an email from this person who had downloaded some of my brushes, and wanted to know how I had achieved the effect in the image preview (I think
) I sent an email back saying "try using the brush on its own layer" and got an email back saying that the person didn't really "get" what I meant. So I promised to send more detailed instructions for how to do that, which led to me making the following "tutorial," I guess.
I find the idea of telling other people how to do things in Photoshop kind of funny, because I'm still learning it myself... but then I realized that there are all kinds of levels of experience with the program...this tutorial is written with the very new user in mind. But I'd like whatever feedback you guys might want to give, as I plan to pass it on to Zak.
It's kind of lo-res, hopefully you can still see it: