Thats right PSC people, the time is fast approaching. Get your chopping skills honed, send the wife and kids to bed early because YOU WONT HAVE TIME FOR THEM.
Because its time to get ready for......
Whats a SCAVHUNT I hear you ask?
Well read this and learn more....
A SCAVHUT, or scavenger hunt is a fun game played here at PSC. A team of highly skill members arrange a group of 12 tasks for teams to complete. Each task will have a skills value point system, once a task is completed the skilled team of task setters will then judge your entry and award you point. Once all tasks are completed then a winner will be decide. During the course of the SCAVHUNT, bonus or special points will be awarded by the Judging Team.
Whats in it for you, absolutly nothing, other than bragging rights and you get to set the tasks for next years SCAVHUNT.
You want to know more then check out the links below
RULES...we got some of them as em and play by them.
The Rules as written for the first SCAVHUNT
* You must have a team of at least 2 members but no more than 4 and a name for the team. You make the teams. Don't be shy, if you see some user left alone feeling down cuz they are once again last to be picked, PICK them...they might be good at this thing.
* You can't be on more than one team.
* As the winners of the last scavenger hunt, are otherwise occupied, the new members will create a wacky list of 12 items you will have to take pictures of, photoshop, find on the Internet, or otherwise creatively produce and we will include brief instructions of what you must do for each item.
* Each item in the list will be assigned a maximum point value that can be given by the judges if completed.
* The list will be posted and the competition will begin on time to be announced, PSC time and you will have until time to be announced PSC time to find/create and submit as many of the items as you can.
* Each member of Team FILLING IN will individually score each entry for each team. Each score from each judge will then be added together for a total for each item. The scores for each item will then be added together for each team creating a Team Total.
* The team with the highest total will WIN the full and exclusive rights to run/create/judge the next scavenger hunt.
*All bribes nude photos, (female Midgets only) are to be sent to Blue_lurker and extra points awarded.
*These rules could change at short notice if the judges find the need to change them.
The scavhunt task list will be posted right here in the forum on the 12th of June once posted teams will have 9 DAYSto complete there tasks. All the information you will need to complete the tasks and where to send them will be on the task list.
BeefHead - standing in for MIA Sliver
Bluelurker - Standing in for Greyfix (Work Duties)
Splodge - the official score keeper and tie breaker judge
Ok so lets get ya teams sorted out and make this a great scavhunt for every one.
Any Questions just PM me and I will try and answer them as quick as I can.