Procyon wrote:
Oscar wrote:
I got an email from PSC as I usually do when someone sends me a PM but when I when to log in my name came up but not my password ( firefox remembers passwords ) so I typed in my password and click send but it took me to the front page and I wasn't logged in... when I went to see the address bar it had a number 2 in it... WHATS going on? did someone stole my password?

can you forward me the email? I think replying would be enough to send it to my email.
Hello Oscar,
You have received a new private message to your account on "Photoshop Contest" and you have requested that you be notified on this event. You can view your new message by clicking on the following link:
Remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.
Thanks, The Maagement
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