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Photoshop Contest Head to Head Tournament 2011
kittie vs edovan
winner! votes round compare to
edovan 124 Round #2 original
Winning Image

Voting Details
Lord David Lord David
plucheke007 plucheke007
Pearcinator Pearcinator
I think the other one is all source+PS...but this it just too bizarre not to vote for!
zamal96 zamal96
neurotoxic neurotoxic
gsenthil gsenthil
anfa anfa
Napalm32 Napalm32
txpinky txpinky
buglover buglover
L@rue L@rue
the202 the202
screwloose screwloose
Mir Mir
Other one is good too, But this one is great!!
bud1121 bud1121
looks more detailed
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
This is wonderfully done! Superbly entertaining also. The curved feather as an arm is the only distracting element. Would have looked better with a bent wing like the other strumming the guitar (or what ever you call that instrument).
Azionite Azionite
bc2013 bc2013
pakimo pakimo
abraham abraham
Designed2522 Designed2522
Swarhzonov Swarhzonov
Acoustic Chicken "LIVE"!
dewking dewking
HA! Great work!
Zetape Zetape
koorio koorio
nicely done.. very cool.
thbeghin thbeghin
soulrock soulrock
nubie nubie
jasper jasper
ok - gotta go with funnin over art
Sliver Sliver
r.iulian r.iulian
Watch them Drift Watch them Drift
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
seelcraft seelcraft
Good lighting and integration!
Eepi Eepi
annajon annajon
a vote for romance
locxoul locxoul
Rangizzz Rangizzz
cool :)
blindgod blindgod
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Wow like them both, but Im a sucker for the old musicians story
kittie kittie
Well done! Good luck edovan. :)
drybie drybie
Funny idea. I like the integration here. The other looks like a 70's wall hanging which isn't necessarily bad, it's just that this image is more striking.
Trann Trann
The other has a very surreal quality that lends to the brooding owl: well done. Nice minstrel cock.
NButler NButler
Tough,tough to pick between, this one won out for me.
billtvshow billtvshow
This is done so well that some people may overlook how good it actually is. The resolution and sharpness of every source used matches perfectly and the rooster has been given masterful tone adjustments to match the background scene. Great, subtle shadow work just ties it all together. Absolutely fantastic execution.
Dream_weaver Dream_weaver
charliesou charliesou
Funky chicken.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
mixauskas mixauskas
damn hes real!
betdoval betdoval
no dubt :)
m0nk m0nk
rohanpujaris rohanpujaris
ElectronChaser ElectronChaser
Tad Tad
bx3800 bx3800
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Goat1981 Goat1981
metalic metalic
zoli22 zoli22
captainSMITTY11 captainSMITTY11
oddly realistic :)
Jake420 Jake420
the other is a great art work but this one just is so well done and has fun to in
Martrex Martrex
But seriously, doesn't every one have one like this in their neighborhood. "HI Ray!" Nicely done!
deshone deshone
nice ...
roger1 roger1
HaHa! Voted for this because it is funny and has a lot of important details.
gramps gramps
Eve Eve
I love the other's creativity but like this scene better.
HienTran HienTran
Tommeken Tommeken
reminds of the cartoon of robin hood...great work ..other entry very nice to..but i'll go for memory's
Sh!Za Sh!Za
#like this... and of course musican vote!
jonjon jonjon
blackfox blackfox
Ammorio Ammorio
sonic3 sonic3
Ha, love this, nice entry :)
kevindey kevindey
anabe anabe
TheShaman TheShaman
this one's called: "Fabio's Ode to kittie"
jcfreak6363 jcfreak6363
bogsy bogsy
crmzendrgone crmzendrgone
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
So cool!
nifft nifft
well done
serious serious
volkswes volkswes
Starman Starman
lol love this
rockyjob rockyjob
the other one looks like a ton of work but i think this one appeals to me more
Grefix Grefix
Bremen Town Musician? Love this one
Tea Man Tea Man
last time i was in h2h, i lost to a painter! so i'm going this way! & i like this a little more as well
tdiddy tdiddy
ScionShade ScionShade
Luckdeezybb22 Luckdeezybb22
Netwel Netwel
Serps Serps
Tesore Tesore
Another where I can not choose.
the burning couch the burning couch
damn...I really like both......nother coin flip.....this'n*!
Dechene Dechene
cherylm329 cherylm329
Love the realism :)
listen2WEEN listen2WEEN
meldinar meldinar
nat_g31 nat_g31
The other entry is OK to me but this entry is great and very well done.
MikeDascola MikeDascola
Very creative entries. Tough call.
bneises bneises
Oscar Oscar
Clever dragon Clever dragon
badcop badcop
pjsev pjsev
adequ adequ
sweetfelinity sweetfelinity
glennhanna glennhanna
Love the green hue. The other is great work as well.
Salvezza Salvezza
This one has me grinnig... :]
Hal23 Hal23
UntExp UntExp
I like kitty's style but I'll go for this one, clean and very well executed!
Patre Patre
ReyRey ReyRey
tadams tadams
Hagen Hagen
Sorry Kittie but I like the hen singer...! +1
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
cafn8d cafn8d
very well done
dsclink dsclink
Claf Claf
Haaa! That's pretty cool! Like it!
CathyToth22 CathyToth22
beefhead beefhead

author votes round compare to
kittie 25 Round #2 original

Voting Details
nevet nevet
both entries are really good....
Krank Krank
mikey mikey
This one spoke to me more, quite artistic looking :)
aman aman
vokaris vokaris
Sanctuary Sanctuary
a very very hard choice.the other image well done but i like the owl better.
supak0ma supak0ma
coool! close one here, wrong background tones in the other one
casm1 casm1
bsoholic bsoholic
difficult choice.
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
I like the illustration here. The troubadour is well-executed, but this one has the edge.
DaVinci DaVinci
This is nice, looks like a painting...I would hang this on my wall :)
nova nova
i think this 1 has more work
monkeytwig monkeytwig
x,sylvia x,sylvia
tpsimer tpsimer
Both nicely done! This is true art.
Sleepyeyed Sleepyeyed
Synthvet Synthvet
GuidedByPandas GuidedByPandas
Love the mad drawing/painting skills... wish I could create like this. Another awesome entry and round favorite. I like the other entrant's idea and it is well executed, but my this entry really draws me in.
GhostlyJoe GhostlyJoe
wow ... great match here
bogonet bogonet
freaking hard choice here, but i found myself in a artisty mood right now so this one will get my vote. I guess the match will be very tight and i'd like to mention that I consider the other a good entry too.
stroban stroban
WhimSea WhimSea
two good ones... i just see more feathers here and it's unique
edovan edovan
Oooh! I like this! A competition is always better when the opponent is strong! As you see I'm more of a pixelhunting detail fascist, while you let-loose with lovely colours in a way I always find so hard. Good luck!
jazgraphic jazgraphic

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