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marcoballistic marcoballistic
I must admit, very clever idea Roy, nice one
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Joeyb6571 Joeyb6571
milu milu
idea vote
Stevster Stevster
great perspective on this Roy
kittie kittie
well done.
Micose Micose
good job....stop the talking's starts to hurt my head
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Two things made me see a wall in the source. The ledge in the upper right corner and the plant leaf in the lower left. That being said I like your chop (just not the 'tude).
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
That's what photoshop is for, Roy... turning floors into walls and bumblebees into flying elephants.
karell karell
:>) very cool
TheShaman TheShaman
lol @ what DoaC said.. so effing tru
bigbuck bigbuck
jeepers jeepers
You were really using your noggin here! Great idea!
Serps Serps
mikey mikey


roy Green roy Green
Am I the only person who actualy looked carefully enough at the source to realise that the bricks are laying on a concrete floor that it is not actualy a wall!
ReyRey ReyRey
That's a good way to get votes.
roy Green roy Green
Whats that suposed to mean reyrey? I am just suprised at the large number of walls i am seeing!
kittie kittie
what.. they can't USE it as a wall?? I think we can use the source near however we damn well please.
roy Green roy Green
wow kittie getting all anoyed! Im not allowed to mention that i am suprised that other people think its a wall and me and marco think its a floor, is it that time of the month again kittie?
roy Green roy Green
ok maybe i said a bit too much, sorry kittie!
Stevster Stevster
Bravo kittie and roy.
Micose Micose
Eve Eve
It's a wall not a tire...silly
kittie kittie
wow it makes me feel like going on a ZEN rant
ReyRey ReyRey
It seemed more to me like you were saying that nobody is as smart as you are because we were not smart enough to see a floor. Usually insulting the voters is not a good way to start a contest.
ReyRey ReyRey
Rphares is the only that realized that they were not bricks at all but actually piano keys!!! Dummy!
ReyRey ReyRey
ReyRey ReyRey
"Wabbit season!"........."Duck season!" [img]
roy Green roy Green
yes rey that was a good entry of yours.
bigbuck bigbuck
Actually I'm pretty confident that the bricks are set in mortar, rather than just sitting on a concrete floor. Since a brick is between 3 & 4 inches wide/deep, there would be way more shadow (and lack of detail) if they were just sitting on concrete.
bigbuck bigbuck
It just looks like a standard 'raked joint' in brickwork, where the mortar is raked out about a quarter inch or so behind the face of the brickwork.
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Gotta disagree with you, Rey. The only thing that should matter during voting is the picture (and perhaps the member's perceived skill level). It shouldn't matter how much of an jerk someone is.
ReyRey ReyRey
I agree with you DOAC and I would have given him a vote....but I forgot and ran out :O oops. Sorry! :o(
the burning couch the burning couch
do like this

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by roy Green
roy Green
Created May 29, 2006
15 votes   20 comments
550w x 413h (78KB)

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authenticity  0
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idea  1
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