Man, I don't know who took this source pic, but this very spot has been mucho significant in my life! I mean, wow. |
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Queen La Tiff
Good to know, mere...on that very spot, I had the most satisfying break-up of my life, saw both G Love & Special Sauce AND the Sugarhill Gang, and learned to bartend (at that Uno's right there). Small world!
Queen La Tiff
Also you might remember after 9/11 that's where the National Guard barracks tents were set up...this is where you had to go for gas masks and eye wash.
That's also where, at the tender young age of 13, my grandmother and I witnessed the 1985 Teeny Weeny Bikini Contest. I can't remember if it was sponsored by WPLJ or Z-100, but it helped develop me into the pervert that you all know and love.
Queen La Tiff
and you went there with your...Grandmother? Yeah, that's kind of perverted all right.
He Hated the Seaport
by Queen La Tiff
Created June 07, 2006
19 votes
550w x 550h (115KB)
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