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When an idea is this easy, you really need to get the execution right. Notice the difference in the blur on the edge of the balloon and the plane. The plane is significantly sharper, indicating that it is much closer to the ground and nowhere near
the balloon. Also, notice the darkness and color of the shadow of the balloon, you need to match that same darkness and blueish tint in that shadow with the shadow of the plane.
I was about to say exactly the same thing bill...
Paul Von Stetina
Bill, I must respond to this, when you are in the plane looking out, the shadow will be crisp, the balloon would be blured because of the speed
Paul Von Stetina
of the airplane, as for the color match, I worked on it for quite a while until I got it as close as I could, it was way off to begin with, and I was well aware of both problems, thanks for taking the time to notice :)
What The..
by Paul Von Stetina
Created December 20, 2006
47 votes
1280w x 960h (391KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
3 |
humor |
2 |
idea |
2 |
theme |
0 |
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