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Not a 5 minutes chop. Two externals (head and man walking) and a lot of lyers untill i reched the darkness i wanted. the man walking forward with the sunshine on his back, it's me when i walk in my dark-confused mind to resolve daily problems of my life

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Govan Govan
Good one;-)
:-@dolly :-@dolly
Stevster Stevster
Grab a frame, this is good stuff!
ReyRey ReyRey
ok. I opened it in photoshop and played around until I could see it better. Very Nice.
Tesore Tesore
Heinlein Heinlein
nifft nifft
Martrex Martrex
Sliver Sliver
Anke Anke
Ah, like it!!!
welan welan
max&roro max&roro
Wiz Wiz
Salvezza Salvezza
claudiolky claudiolky
annajon annajon
OK, a dark side Santé, something different.
man sante this is a very dark and mysterious image all sorts of things to look at in there very different ;)
TutorMe TutorMe
This is good. I can see the source just fine.
AdamScott AdamScott
bigbuck bigbuck
commander commander
gsenthil gsenthil
Ravelant Ravelant
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Nice work and like the detail of the back and for ground
Serps Serps
anabrin anabrin
Good one!!
anneronies anneronies
the burning couch the burning couch
manic_d manic_d
acemanoj acemanoj
Great visuals this.
abraham abraham
Micose Micose
u guys are really silly.Good job Soze.


ReyRey ReyRey
sorry soze...I can't see anything. Too dark
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I have to agree with Rey even lightening it in PS isn't helping
Stevster Stevster
The pickles are on the top right and left of the image. I think the source was used as an overlay.
Granulated Granulated
oh come gotta make better use of the source than having it as a 3% opacity overlay !??!?!?!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I am sorry, but I really have to agree, the source is actually doing very little here apart from slight colouring.
Soze Soze
i like very much dark images. I'm sorry for whom did not like my work. It i not a problem. who doesn't like it has not to vote for it :-)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
no one is sayign what you should and should not do, my point of view is I would have liked to have seen the source used better in this, the image isn't that bad now lightened, but the source has just been overlayed, am I wrong?
Soze Soze
Marco, sorry but i'm sick of this!!! when i do i mistake on shadow or on perspective and so on...... i agre with the critics of the big choppers. but here there are not mitakes. The point is: like or not like it. In my mind i sw this before chopping
Soze Soze
And i reached what i wanted o see.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
your sick of what. I siad the image isn't bad, but I can hardly see the source. I am confused to what your sick of. You either want people opinions or you don't.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
and I don't recall pointing out any mistakes either. purely the fact of the source use.
Granulated Granulated
jesus on a're unbelievable.... check this're on 24..i got 5 !
Soze Soze
lol Andy, i saw your link. That was an anonymous contest there for you got only 5 votes hahahahahahahaa
Granulated Granulated
Ironically, you have just reinforced the validity of my comment. :P
Soze Soze
mmmmm i think you did not understand my ironically comment
TFarren TFarren
Good title.. I'm confused as to whether to vote for your clever use of source.. (WHERE IS IT?) Or artistic flare.. You should maybe change the title to "HIDE THE PICKLE"?
Soze Soze
very funny comment tfarren. The source is in the chop. The table is made with pickles, and the title is perfectly what i want say with this work.
TFarren TFarren
There's a table in there? All I see is a man with a light blob on his crotch and darkness all around - but that's what I see.. but Picasso's work also confuses me - I'm definately no expert.
Soze Soze
i don't know if you re joking or not, maybe your monitor is too dark. But my head putted in a ball is laying on a table. If you can see it there is also the ball's shadow on it. If you re confused try to do as ReyRey did. Open it in ps :-)
TFarren TFarren
I've opened it in PS and lightened it to varying degrees. I was able to see the pickles, and after I looked really hard I could see parts of a face. The rest is very non-descript to me. My monitor has been adjusted with Adobe Gamma.
Soze Soze
try to buy another monitor

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by Soze
Created September 14, 2007
32 votes   21 comments
1000w x 750h (487KB)

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authenticity  1
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