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"Updated" How about a flyin' sheep BC? And thx everyone for the comments, I do read em' :)

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TheShaman TheShaman
Granulated Granulated
Anke Anke
Martrex Martrex
pakimo pakimo
good work :-)
scuds scuds
gsenthil gsenthil
dewdew dewdew
tornado is really kicking ass
:-@dolly :-@dolly
ReggieNoble2 ReggieNoble2
mikey mikey
BAM! Great job! :-)
hah similar thinkig nicely done ;)
dabdi56 dabdi56
Mir Mir
welan welan
marcoballistic marcoballistic
simply put, this is a great entry
the burning couch the burning couch
Great work*! ...might look even better with some more debris....ermm ...ehh I'm just bein picky.....good the way it is.
Govan Govan
Hahaha!! good job
bigbuck bigbuck
stive stive
ece ece
Tesore Tesore
tadams tadams
The addition of the lamb really gives it a lot depth.
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
abraham abraham
j58roldan j58roldan
Serps Serps
Cool work
ray42shop ray42shop
Funny as hell!
brenda brenda
318830 318830
Eve Eve
Micose Micose
not bad at all, add texture on tornado mate, in the center, see wht i mean? keep the blur but feather a texture on it:)
WhimSea WhimSea
not baaaaaaaaaaad! had to say that
Carcarlo Carcarlo
Claf Claf
manic_d manic_d
gotta have the flying cow vote here lol


the burning couch the burning couch
oh shit...INCOMING!! ;P
watatata watatata
Micose Micose
i made one, very different ,not better at all, just diferent, let me find the link;)
Micose Micose
perfect job on flying elements...sheep is awesome, to me

 Windmill Hillside
Windmill Hillside zoom

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by NikolaiDK
Created November 02, 2007
36 votes   4 comments
900w x 900h (300KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  3
idea  1
theme  1

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