vokaris if I could just ask where you think the edge needs to be clean, on both my home computer and my work computer the edges are almost perfect???? Does anyone else see what he is refering to? vokaris thank you for your comment regardless! :)
Edges in all these areas. [IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/ReyReyM/Picture2-5.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/ReyReyM/Picture3-5.png[/IMG] Weird lines here. [IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/ReyReyM/Picture1-
[img] i20.photobucket.com... [img] i20.photobucket.com... [img] i20.photobucket.com... I wish we could edit comments.
Your a member, right? How come the image is so small?
To me the top and bottom of the scythe and the edge of the stick look fuzzy, they just don't match the style of the skull/hand edges. If it was the design intent you can disregard my comment.
Plus the rope looks too soft, especially on top, compared to the adjacent elements. I still think it's nice work.
Oh yes I see both of what Ray and V are talking about. I decided to use the blurr tool to soften some of the outside edges, I guess you could say that it was my cheap attempt to make it work!!! :) I do appreciate the feedback! :)
Tight ending :)