can you give me a tutorial on the water?
*rockyjob> I actually did a search on google 4 water tutorails & most of the ones I saw were not giving me the same effect. But I used it a bit & also created a few custom brushes that formed 4 me. some distortion & warping 2 get the disired look I wanted
so you did not make the water as indicated in your author's notes?
You're right Eve. Some brushes for the splash on the arc, but an external source for water. If I'm wrong... I want to see the psd file.
So what's showing a PSD file gonna conclude. That I know how to merge layers. That I know how to categorize them into similar folders to keep track of them. Well sometimes thing happen by accident. I can't fully explain how I actually went about doing it.
CONT. 1thing 4 sure is custom made brush from a pic of L. Erie located at Buffalo NY works great. Then multi-layering merged in2 1 2 get the effect. Tutorial, I've read them, and Reading them still. Just got done reading one.& 4 the PSD, What's it proove?
Doing realistic water by accident... never heard about it! All the little blue waves are from external source, that's just what I mean. :)
I 4 got that I used filters, noise/motionblur 2 a couple of the layers, and a plastic wrap also.
Eve, 3d is new to PS and this site (he is my boyfriend) and when he stated the water was made in PS it was because he made a brush from a picture of a local lake. Granted, to some it may be considered an external image to you guys...
but to him he made it in & with PS and he did not just put one layer and call it water, he worked on it for a while to get it right (color, tone, etc) not to mention the liquefy tool to get it to wave. To me, all brushes (just about) are external....
i see work in this caliber photoshopcontest.com... and then see this. It doesn't add up, Cheryl. We appreciate the work on the ark...but i have doubts about the claims.
but using and making brushes in PS is a tool in PS, right? Using that tool would make it made in PS, right? Correct me if I am wrong, but that has been my understanding all along :)
i just made something similar using scully7491.deviantart.com... I'm not discounting the effort, just the claims.
The claims may seem inconsistent, but he stated made in PS because he did make the water in PS, it wasn't a case of just a click and it's done, like the scream brushes. I am only speaking for him because he doesn't understand what you guys mean :)
He used many layers, filters, colors, gradients, and the liquefy tool to get the water to look like that, whereas the scream brush was click blur done. He counts the work put into making the water as made in PS. Which I can understand. :)
Just an example: [img] i18.photobucket.com... I made the water with filters, brushes, stamp tools, motion blur... but I originally used a picture and the color & pixels from it. So I can't call it only PS work.
I used maybe around 10 picture for that visual. I can't say I made it without external source neither like references. That's what I mean. :)
I understand what you mean Claf. I really do, but I always thought brush use and the making of brushes was an action in PS and thus made in PS, I never counted my brushes as externals because it is a PS tool, umph! :)
I told him from now on not to site anything, PS or externals. So as to prevent controversy in future chops. It isn't in the PSC rules to do so, so I suspect it won't be a problem, until he learns the ropes at least.
With the fact that the water is a tile repeated a hundred times over...and that he could have easily used the water under the bridge from source to make in the first place..it's all mute...great work TresDee.
Hot discussion going on above my friend....but congrats on your first 2nd place..:D
grats on your first 2nd place 3Ds ;)