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Freaky Critter
Freaky Critter

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rockyjob rockyjob
come on mark at a body! great job on the face though
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
I love the eyes!
bigbuck bigbuck
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Disembodied head vote.
max&roro max&roro
pollyO pollyO
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Salvezza Salvezza
HORNU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!
tadams tadams
This thing might be related to my Whiskeroo. Good work. Based on the lighting I don't think the right eye would have a catchlight.
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
Creepy little guy
kinetic_be kinetic_be
this is very cool, I love the colouring you did.
bneises bneises
Dead Man Dead Man
Nicely done!
Martrex Martrex
Heinlein Heinlein
Cool Mark
draugaer draugaer
Watch them Drift Watch them Drift
Tarmac Tarmac
what a freaky critter Marko, I especially like the hairy edges ... ;)
ReyRey ReyRey
Netwel Netwel
Tesore Tesore
Elsakippy Elsakippy
Hahahahaa LOL I love this one. Still looking for a suitable pet... can I please please Marco?? ;-)
Micose Micose
caradeu caradeu
Serps Serps
:) Cool
mikey mikey
Quite freaky! LOL!
whats it's name?
smee smee
Soze Soze
exellent Marco. very clever work
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Wicked. Almost looks like a 3D render. Sooooo cool. Love the color choice for the eye.
StephenBif StephenBif
yello_piggy yello_piggy
krissrussel krissrussel
ThePec ThePec
Granulated Granulated
"white background and look at the hairs" vote
TheShaman TheShaman
Anke Anke
Maliciously Delicious Maliciously Delicious
CarlC CarlC
Tea Man Tea Man
Mel47 Mel47
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
my fav
anneronies anneronies
Less than Zero Less than Zero
greeneyes greeneyes
cherylm329 cherylm329
Very nice Marco!
zorro13 zorro13
xbughi xbughi
monster vote!
lorys lorys
anabrin anabrin
Nice eyes and hair added!! :)
geeren geeren
Carcarlo Carcarlo
Janfet Janfet
podgorski podgorski
gsenthil gsenthil
dumbat dumbat
Claf Claf


TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
HA! I just had an idea for a second version. Goofy expression with the tongue hanging out! HAHAHAHAHAHA
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ha ha, spot on Andy
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
You don't like my idea for a second chop entry? :-( ;-)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
actually Tofu, I nearly did a goofy one instead ;o)
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I wanna see you do a goofy one after the contest is over! I think it'd be hilarious.
grats on the 3rd mark ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cheers Matt
annajon annajon
Fun third, Marco
st1n3r st1n3r
Sorry i didn't get the chance to vote for this. i love it

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 Freaky Critter
by marcoballistic
Created March 01, 2008
58 votes   9 comments
880w x 960h (196KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  15
humor  3
idea  1
theme  0

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