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Super Fresh Taste...
Super Fresh Taste...
Hand & bone external, rest source, brush & PS work. Originals to externals here: [img] To Tom 'Dr Wu' West & his family & friends. wanted to do something in his similar humour style. Cheers Tom :o)

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candron candron
Dechene Dechene
You cruel bastard the bird is still alive!!!!
pollyO pollyO
Mir Mir
Persuader Persuader
wuahahahahaha tastes damn alive :)
janetdog janetdog
good one
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
Heinlein Heinlein
The expression on the bird is priceless. Nice Mark!
mike.b. mike.b.
did you take a dam bite out of him ...dam scavanger humans lol...this is really nice marco..and gross at the same time:D
malnsk malnsk
damn it, i'm hungry
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
annajon annajon
blue_lurker blue_lurker
ya sick...and ya need help...still not enough blood for me...nice work marcus birdchewtus
anabe anabe
very well done, bird expression is superb, bite mark very realistic, but drumsticks will be off the menu for a while!
Tarmac Tarmac
Super fresh birdy tartare. Yummy.
this is funny!
nancers nancers
Thanks for keeping count for me ;) This is soooo not Dr. Wu, but sooo you!
mikey mikey
whySOserious whySOserious
marco!!! You unimaginable photoshopper!!
Tonto Tonto
top 3 A+
Wiz Wiz
Martrex Martrex
Eve Eve
Har! Very "crisp" work.
bigbuck bigbuck
Martilic Martilic
jerryhami jerryhami
I don't know looks like the 3rd ripple on the second to last wave next to the horizon is a bit to wet o hell what do I know?
Serps Serps
anfa anfa
You've already used this idea and said it was tribute to a btvtv chop, I think!
jemenet jemenet
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Nice work, but really demented!
drknotter drknotter
Funny and well executed! But not something I think I'd like to eat. :)
Tesore Tesore
UntExp UntExp
Sjitske Sjitske
Yummi! ;)
nat_g31 nat_g31
claudiolky claudiolky
seelcraft seelcraft
LeviRein LeviRein
lol thats a mouth full of feathers ;)
Mel47 Mel47
greeneyes greeneyes
Goat1981 Goat1981
I wasn't too much for this idea when Stephen did it. :-P However, nice work.
splodge splodge
the202 the202
Good work.
Claf Claf
Micose Micose
bwahahahah well done Marco
the burning couch the burning couch
matO matO
=) niiice
UniqueVision UniqueVision
nice :)
caradeu caradeu
TheJackal TheJackal
you sick sick son of a b&*(h!!!!
gbrmzrs gbrmzrs
bsoholic bsoholic
Stewie4lb Stewie4lb
novartistas novartistas
Granulated Granulated
Mark + Bird = Drumstick 'gag'..and it's winning... you gotta laugh
stive stive
TheShaman TheShaman


marcoballistic marcoballistic
incorrect Mr Anfa Pants, the 1 I used was a direct referance to BillTV's advert idea, this while, ok its a drumstick idea , is structually different. Play Eye of the Tiger & look at this, you will feel the power of Heron bird thing meat :oP ha haa yeah
anfa anfa
That still doesn't make it knew!
anfa anfa
I knew I meant new when I typed that!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
I never recall saying it was new... or knew.... or mew... hew...dew...brew.... yeah :oP
anfa anfa
So why would you do something unoriginal for a memorial that you spouted about!! At least you could have gave the guy some credit and done something new!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
oh yeah forgot, phoenix, never seen one of them before... yep, brand shiny new! You know I nearly put 'every portfolio should have 1' as my vote comment on yours. But thought better of it in respect of the day. U surprisingly, just grab ya nuts & go 4 i
TheJackal TheJackal
you sick sick son of a b&*(h!!!!
DoctorWu's Sister Linda DoctorWu's Sister Linda
heheheh... Tom would love it!!
Granulated Granulated
hmm isn't winning and now I'm rather bemused as to why *MY* entry is 21 behind the leader. 10 behind I could handle !!! lol
candron candron
congrats sec place great work
grats on the 2nd ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cheers Ron & Matt :)
angelina angelina
beautiful work!!!

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 Super Fresh Taste...
by marcoballistic
Created August 29, 2008
62 votes   13 comments
880w x 960h (189KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  12
idea  2
theme  0

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