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pjsev pjsev
Why is this sideways? Otherwise, this is awesome! :)
BSmatic BSmatic
Very nice! more votes please!
TheShaman TheShaman
REALLY GOOD! But next time put a white border on either side to make this landscape. WHY a photoshop website cannot have portrait entries is beyond me.
zorda zorda
cool :)
NButler NButler
Martrex Martrex
But how do you keep the hooka from falling off?? Nice piece, again too bad not rotated. ; )
gramps gramps
YerPalAl YerPalAl
4th entry and this guy comes up with this jewel and has to post it sideways. COME ON ADMINS, allow portrait images,I have great sources I cannot submit. Great chop here, outstanding talent, welcome to the site (belatedly). KEEP ON CHOPPING!!!
Tesore Tesore
Make it 600 pixels wide by 800 pixels high next time. I love this grumpy caterpillar. Welcome ;-)
UntExp UntExp
Sh!Za Sh!Za
#damn this is great, welcome man! needs way more votes!!! agree with Yer u have talent mate ;)


pjsev pjsev
Um, I should say...except the drugs mine is saying say NO!! Obviously this guy didn't listen. ;)
BSmatic BSmatic
Just say occasionally :)
pjsev pjsev
You turned it upright!!! This is great....needs more votes.
bogonet bogonet
It's very nice work! I'd like to see the external if you please.
Eve Eve
whoa! Great work. Any externals? Sorry I missed this.

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by Misha Averyaskin
Misha Averyaskin
Created December 17, 2010
11 votes   5 comments
1280w x 960h (463KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  4
theme  0

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