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Photoshop Contest Entry #46533

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tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
weird but kinda good :)
Frenz Frenz
MoZub MoZub
this is good!! ^_^ Ths white line is fine commentor.... quit complaining
ReinMan ReinMan
interesting montage-like idea :)
scotto scotto
dizzydee dizzydee
I like this... alot
Chopper Chopper
Good job!
KaBooM KaBooM
Fuck the white line, can we see the topless pictures? *Prays to GOD this is a female*
jyo jyo
wicked. . . .
girltrouble girltrouble
nyxxie nyxxie
Doodler! Doodler!
OMFG you go!! your best work ever.. the most creative thing ive seen in days.. Im so fucking proud...!!!!!!!!
the202 the202
nancers nancers
Yup, dat's the ticket
16ozBud 16ozBud
leave in that single white line on the right of the piaced pic and you got a vote
Square Square
Nice effect
base-zum base-zum
SugarJunkie SugarJunkie
Showcase Showcase
I am impressed! by far the prettiest/best image you have made! I am proud of you!
LumiaLuna LumiaLuna
splodge splodge
HKlevjer HKlevjer
HandToolUK HandToolUK
BigBobby BigBobby
Chukn8r Chukn8r
jasper jasper
who ARRRRE you?
Wett Wett
billtvshow billtvshow
im going to try and give you a shot at it, my roomie can vote too and im gonna get him to vote too right fast, he didnt vote any yet in this contest
styson styson
yep, and here i am, i like how its layered outwards, it almost has a mobius strip feel to it
gravyboat gravyboat
pixelgypsy pixelgypsy


blackfox blackfox
remove that single white line on the right of the piaced pic and you got a vote
ReinMan ReinMan
Chopper Chopper
Remove your pants and run around the room clucking like a chicken and you got a vote.
Rondo Rondo
I removed the line (i actually thought I had caught it already, i just didnt heavy enough), ameared whitteout across my monitor over commenter #1s comment, took my pants off AND top off and ran around the room clucking...... hehe i go the extra mile....
Rondo Rondo
or did you mean the white line on the side? lol i removed something else that had been bugging me . DOH!
stl7dust stl7dust
i dont know
MoZub MoZub
this should WIN!!!!!!!!!
MoZub MoZub
I hope you win.
Rondo Rondo
If i win i might a) die from shock, b) strip all my clothes off and run around naked or c) die from shock while running around naked. :P
jerico jerico
wtf??? this what PSC has come to?
Rondo Rondo
wtf??? this what PSC has come to? I think maybe its because it is different? Some ppl seem to be becoming kinda jaded because of not as many new things being done (meant with no offense to anyone, everyoine does wonderful work here)...may
deshone deshone
sorry author but i have to agree with the WTF comment ... i know the source pic so there hasn't been really alot of photoshopping been going on ... just a cut and paste ... i think it's a good idea that in the future people should give the url from the so
chrispis chrispis
... sorry author, besides it's a quick cut and paste according to commenter above,... I don't like the source either,...
Rondo Rondo
well, i did a whole heck of alot more than c & p, thats your opinion
kamera kamera
don't pay attention to the negativity. They are jealous. This pix is so creative it has me thinking!!
Rondo Rondo
i did not do ALL of the stuff seen int he pic, i did however add to it, cnage a few thinsga nd did alot of work on the featured pic i added...i spent alot of time on this one....
deshone deshone
i wasn't being negative ... it's just that alot of voters think that the author cutted out the ship and boardwalk ... i know it's a good thing to find great source pics ... and i am sorry to called your work a c&p, that was not fair, i bet you have spent
supak0ma supak0ma
sorry but i don't see what is so special about this.
littleR littleR
author - if you did a lot of work on this can you please post a link to the source so we can see?
MoZub MoZub
WINNN DAMN YOU!!!!!!!! I'm almost as nervous about this one as I was my own first close call to a win.. ha! you desereve it. Nice pic.. and damnit you have stick-to-it-ive-ness... and that counts for something in my book =D
Rondo Rondo
Um M you trying to help me win my sheer mental force??? lol and voter 27.... i think you might be suprised when you find out
littleR littleR
I guesss that's a "no" to posting the source pic and now I'm pretty sure we've all been duped
MoZub MoZub
author... Yes I am ^_^
laurent24 laurent24
Stop Voting on this please!!!!
Rondo Rondo
LR i cant post it i dont have it (i deleted all my saved source pix i had already used since making this) and i have no idea whereit came from, i get my sources all over the place, i know sopunds like a cop out but it is the truth, i deleted approx 350 p
littleR littleR
cool enuff. it looks good but I was suspicious based on what some people above said.
Rondo Rondo
LR, well, i took a great pic and continued the theme using the days pic, i changed some things on the origional too, it took quite a bit of effort and time, far mjore than just cut and pasting.... the lkeading pic isnt much more than what i did either
Rondo Rondo
oh oh oh i have never been this close to winning before i am gonna pee my pants.... lol.... this may be the only chance i ever get to win.....;)
kamera kamera
did you post this idea twice? there is another almost like it right below.
billtvshow billtvshow
this is the best ive seen out of you and i hope you continue to put in valiant efforts like this from now on, it is different from other pics that use shading outside of the box because you cant really tell what level certain things are supposed to be on

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 [untitled entry]
by Rondo
Created February 13, 2004
31 votes   30 comments
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