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Photoshop Contest Entry #47655

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ReinMan ReinMan
Did those dudes all just eat some liver??
KaBooM KaBooM
Voter #1, are you serious? Do you know what a livery is?
girltrouble girltrouble
I think its a great idea. Not every picture has to be edited to look completely different from the original. I'd much rather keep PSC a supportive and incouraging environment. Wheather we're beginners or PS guru's we all have something to learn here.
Iowa2002 Iowa2002
I think that picture is pretty good well atleast it is better than mine.....LOL
supak0ma supak0ma
who are these morons :P
deshone deshone
nicely done ...
billtvshow billtvshow
sweet job
nancers nancers
Hot Men for a change! And I never let comments influence my vote. I likee I votee. Simple! ; )
Frenz Frenz
unless the comments.........i give you my vote. The picture is very beautifull. I saw the original, but I like this one more!!!
splodge splodge
Square Square
I didn't know Josh Groban looked so odd in chaps!
metalic metalic
Chopper Chopper
This is just great!
berger berger
txpinky txpinky
Serps Serps


KaBooM KaBooM
I saw this pic . The only thing you did was cut and paste Livery and the sale sign. =
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Err... no. There's also edits to the side of the building. And the signs weren't JUST a cut n paste! There's perspective/angle, and colour matching too. Try checking your facts first in future, KaBooM.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Check the source: [img]
HandToolUK HandToolUK
..though maybe I should take it as a compliment that you didn't notice the side of the building! :) Either that or you don't know that pic as well as you think...
KaBooM KaBooM
Look. Why not stop being an over sensitive ass about it. I didn't do much to my entry today either. I will say, I did not notice the building in the background. To that I say good job. and to the color matching. But relax! I wasn't trying to be a d
Tore Tore
U havn't done too much though. But it works.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Why not stop being an over sensitive ass about it. KaBooM - thanks for the vote. And for the back-pedal on your original comment. I respect that, though as has been said before, there's no need for rudeness. Note, for example, voter #3's comment. M
stl7dust stl7dust
Scooter Scooter
No one has answered my question! Did they just eat some liver, or what?? :P
KaBooM KaBooM
I get the point. If I'm not tactful enough for people, well ...*shrugs*.......
Showcase Showcase
Im feeling left out ;)
HandToolUK HandToolUK
lol @ KaBooM & showcase! Hey, it's all good, I guess.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Did they just eat some liver, or what?? Sheesh. What is it about Canadians and liver?? ;)
ReinMan ReinMan
Liver is good for a cold climate. AND just before you get your guts shot out. AND also for Strange Sexual Practices (which are not altogether a Canadian thing ;)

Livery zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by HandToolUK
Created February 28, 2004
16 votes   14 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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