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Photoshop Contest Entry #52959

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rwglas rwglas
That is one sexy bear. Nice.
mightybeet mightybeet
upsetting, yet... nah... just upsetting.. good stuff
ReinMan ReinMan
Frickin Hell! I LOVE this !
speedial speedial
smart idea
Wett Wett
Wowzers! what they said!
scatterd scatterd
that is awesome - original and very well done - and FUNNY =)
leif leif
Stability Stability
wow very nice !!! must be a winner
sonnysan sonnysan
Fantastic !!!
robbie42 robbie42
Zzzoey Zzzoey
very nicely done
Square Square
The belly button is PERFECT!
j-elzic j-elzic
that's great!!
tjsnaps tjsnaps
looks great
EddyG EddyG
perfect! great job
babyface42 babyface42
occecid occecid
Better vote befor it gets pulled.
KahRayZee KahRayZee
Hella tight rizzle!!!
Sneakz Sneakz
rrr ;)
bluefist bluefist
heyyou heyyou
Good idea :)
MoZub MoZub
did yu make this or are the 1/2 nude bears for sale somewhere? meh.. its neat :) Dont let the plushophiles (like chicken) see this.
hxcivic97 hxcivic97
Holy bejeebies... well done =)
nancers nancers
robin_t robin_t
NDKnight07 NDKnight07
Serps Serps
Bababooey Bababooey
this has 31 votes already? how is that possible? good, btw
malcinbl malcinbl
32 now!
Robaccomando Robaccomando
lol. Good one
ScionShade ScionShade
exceptional !!!
nyxxie nyxxie
Melusky Melusky
lirimaer lirimaer
Yage Yage
ccheck ccheck
Geli Geli
Chukn8r Chukn8r
txpinky txpinky
I love this picture, really funny and very original, A TRUE WINNER!!!
PotHed PotHed
missrobin74 missrobin74
great job!... sorry for the late vote
metalic metalic
idealdesign idealdesign
TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT ALL OFF, yeah baby! Bearly Legal
Abrasivist Abrasivist
ok...the standout
Lrossa Lrossa
supak0ma supak0ma
yes thats why im sending you to 49, was busy eating my liver ;)
lostagain lostagain
lol very nice and skip any users dont reply lol
16ozBud 16ozBud
supposititiously chimerical


Crispy Crispy
yo operators, plz don't remove this for nudity ;)
Azionite Azionite
This would have my vote. Seamless.
relax relax
How original! Great stuff!!!
KidCaeser KidCaeser
Damn thats good! sorry cant vote yet.
acidko acidko
:D good work!
idealdesign idealdesign
Bear it all-vote if I could
Xinxa Xinxa
Beautiful. Sorry can't vote.
Geli Geli
Please, show the source.
Geli Geli
he, he, :)
Crispy Crispy
Robaccomando Robaccomando
oh no.. lol
ReinMan ReinMan
A HAH! It was courageous of you to show the source. I still like you! :)
Bababooey Bababooey
voter#42, did you look at the link? still think it's very original???
Crispy Crispy
original means that it's different from the other posts: and this is. Then, if you think it isn't original, then why haven't you thougth of this?? and by the way, try to make it yourself :p ow and what about the 'playbear' ? also 'not original' ?
wsp__ wsp__
well, none of them thought of this and you didn't think of it's not your idea... the "playbear" thing is ok..
supak0ma supak0ma
fools the eye
kma kma
Not sure how original the Playbear logo is either: But it's very cool that you showed the source for the bear and there WAS work done here (just not as much as some people thought).
Bababooey Bababooey
It is a good post, I won't argue that. But to say it's original is silly.
Crispy Crispy
hm that's creepy... I swear I never saw that playbear logo before :s yo and supa: fooling the eye is, I guess, the meaning of photomanipulation? thanks all votes and positive commenters :) this was more work than some guys think
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
yes, whoever did the source image was the one who was original. So props for your photoshopping ability, but not for your imagination or originality.
Oscar Oscar
lol wut

Teddy! zoom

next Ted
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 [untitled entry]
by Crispy
Created May 21, 2004
48 votes   21 comments
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