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Photoshop Contest Entry #53719

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WettFist WettFist
Robaccomando Robaccomando
that's really cool looking. Nice work
nyxxie nyxxie
robbie42 robbie42
base-zum base-zum
wow art is drippin off
chrispis chrispis
whoopteedooo,....nice one
flyman flyman
strange but nice
Square Square
looks great
Doodler! Doodler!
nancers nancers
You're such a drip ; )
leif leif
MoZub MoZub
are you going to clean that up??? I just vacumed! dont respect me *whaaaaaaa*
supak0ma supak0ma
sonnysan sonnysan
16ozBud 16ozBud
Zzzoey Zzzoey
Serps Serps
Crispy Crispy
candy-for-the-eye vote
ScionShade ScionShade
Author did not use a filter, extremely difficult to do the hard way. Nice example of insane technique. :-I
Showcase Showcase
I dont care whats said...your edit looks good!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Bababooey Bababooey
this is good work. Booya
girltrouble girltrouble
Brent Brent
splodge splodge
eye candy rox
anmazondi anmazondi
arcaico arcaico
daintydevil daintydevil
Rondo Rondo
billtvshow billtvshow
cnarf cnarf
styson styson
ho0ly ho0ly
fluados fluados
messy painter
gravyboat gravyboat


leif leif
(eye candy is crap)
chrispis chrispis
...eye candy? This isn't done by use of filters, or is it?
Doodler! Doodler!
no eye candy here
zioli zioli
really cool!
ik ik
this is a photoshop contest right! that means it is not a "o i'me bored so let's go and post eyecandy sucks" contest.....
ScionShade ScionShade
This is eyecandy(Eyecandy is a filter suite,for those who do not know), Please do not hide your work behind filters.
ScionShade ScionShade
HA I can't believe there were 18 people who voted so fast and they don't know the difference between a chop and a filter :-I
deshone deshone
Scionshade ... my man ... can't believe you think this is a filter ... how disappointing ...
ScionShade ScionShade
ok, if author SWEARs this aint a filter, then I say it was very difficult. My apologies, Scion out, and I'll vote, cause I know for a fact how hard this is to even attempt to do without a filter :-I
deshone deshone
good boy ... Scion ;) ... no go harrass someone who deserves it hehe
Robaccomando Robaccomando
If there's a filter that does this in one shot, then I'd like to see it.
DoubleFister DoubleFister
...way too simplistic...not worth a vote...
Doodler! Doodler!
hahahah lief was commenting about eyecandy becuase he downloaded it yesterday for the chrome filter.. and it sucked.. it has no relationship with any posts .. silly asses
nancers nancers
Oh jeesh! If you like a picture vote for it. If you don't, don't vote for it. It ain't rocket science!
bollandfan32 bollandfan32
the little pile of paint on the floor is a little unnatural looking, but rest of it is very nice. Good job.
deshone deshone
changed the pile ;)
base-zum base-zum
No Eye candy here ppl !!!!
Doodler! Doodler!
:D :D :D

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 [untitled entry]
by deshone
Created June 02, 2004
35 votes   18 comments
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