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Car Love
Car Love

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HandToolUK HandToolUK
Love it :D
supak0ma supak0ma
Wett Wett
Stability Stability
hahahah this is very funny! lmao vote :)
EvilTigr EvilTigr
Got my vote. This source sucked and you did a nice job with it.
robbie42 robbie42
piombo2 piombo2
just to keep the flow goin
billtvshow billtvshow
you are on fire, just like the people in the car
Chopper Chopper
I like it.
Serps Serps
AntiAnthrax AntiAnthrax
People in cars don't couse accidents accsidents in cars couses people ;)
sonnysan sonnysan
dallas dallas
nyxxie nyxxie
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Premature whatchamajigger vote
thbeghin thbeghin
isn't it a bit too fast? :-D
fluados fluados
laurent24 laurent24
héhé good gif one of the best i saw in the last weeks. Seat is the ideal car for sutch actions lol ;-)
MoZub MoZub
Fugue Fugue
Nice work. Thanks for not putting words in those bubbles! Hate it when people do that. Can everyone stop arguing about GIF's on this poor author's post. He didn't make the rules, assholes, if you have a problem take it up with the admin. Jeez.
nancers nancers
I will not read those comments. This made my son laugh, which makes me wonder about my son...why does he understand the humor in this? ; )
missrobin74 missrobin74
very cool
flyman flyman
16ozBud 16ozBud
vikas vikas
appreciate good work, and stop criticizing
splodge splodge
HKlevjer HKlevjer
Square Square
nice GIF :^D
jsolimeo jsolimeo
very good...although I think she faked ;-)
m.v.peabody m.v.peabody


karus karus
How are they moving from back to front seat????!!!!
HandToolUK HandToolUK
lol... I think the idea is that that's each partner in the couple expressing their love (lust?) - one on one side of the car, the other on the opposite side...
YerPalAl YerPalAl
I think this guy needs to heed one of those e-mails about staying power . . . . .
cool gif!
Bic9000 Bic9000
Absofuckinlutely hilarious ;)
theplague theplague
This is obscene, I only hope it's going to be pulled out
robbie42 robbie42
it was pulled out, right before the cigarette :)
arcaico arcaico
Obscene?? LOL commenter #6, I see no obscene content in there... I see hearts, a car shaking and some smoke... what´s obscene about it? :D you pervert dirtied mind.... lol
hellraiser hellraiser
goodfella goodfella
this is simple, why is this getting so many votes?
arcaico arcaico
commenter #10... the fact I´m getting votes is bothering you?
malcinbl malcinbl
dallas dallas
commenter #10, if it is so easy why didnt you do it?
Kilo Kilo
Do you people realize how easy this is to pull off? Any animation program will almost do this for you.
arcaico arcaico
Guys... get real... OF COURSE IT IS EASY!!! I never said it wasn´t... what matters is the concept... the idea itself... idea is 50%, if not more, of the creation... geee... writing is easy, but give a pen to someone without creativity and ask him to write
dallas dallas
hEY author your work is great dont worry about what they say! haha :)
Kilo Kilo
What makes you think it's so original and creative? It's really not that great, and I think animations should be in a different category.
badcop badcop
I agree with above comment. One is a movie, one is a still image. They have nothing to do with each other.
WhatzTaterz WhatzTaterz
Thank you author. This both original and creative. Funnt too. :)
mint mint
what comm 16 said. good one author! and the smoke after makes it complete : ) i didn't notice it at first.
Bic9000 Bic9000
Strangely I agree with both arguments, GIFs should be, and are, separate entities....but this IS hilarious
arcaico arcaico
you're right commentor#17... my work is not original and it's not creative. Actually, this is creative and well executed, right? Anyway, thanks commentors with sense of humor... lol :)
badcop badcop
author: this is a bit of faulty logic that I see on the site quite often: "Your vpp is low therefore your opinion doesn't count". You know that's silly.
dallas dallas
commentor#23. hey mr TOP ARTIST... you know what? IT IS SOOOOOOOOO easy judging people, and as i can see, you do PRETTY well in that. Anyway, RELAX its people trying here, and people who GIVE IT A SHOT. Does that bother you???????? And this is for the au
PicfixED PicfixED
No ... this didn't take a huge amount of skill but when you look at what gets votes there any overriding logic completely escapes me. Sometimes funny gets the votes, sometimes skill sometimes it is nothing more than a political statement.
Kilo Kilo
I am NOT a top artist, nor did I claim to be. I'm actually kind of crappy at it but that's not the point. I can recognize what's just a gimick and what's legitimately good, and I see work that is much better getting ignored because of this animated gif.
arcaico arcaico
guys... come oooon... I do this for fun... I never rated anyone for vpp... I've seen great works in here from people with a low vpp... point is, I do a funny work, that was INTENDED to be funny, not skilled, and Kilo comes here, just to say it's shit, tha
splodge splodge
goodfella goodfella
i love when i piss people off and fill up the comment board... too bad there not all votes huh author?
hellraiser hellraiser
this needs more votes... hell it does...
Fugue Fugue
Hell yes!
Kilo Kilo
I didn't say you don't have skills, I just don't think this submission is worthy, that's all. It's your responsibility if you want to take it as a personal affront. If it's easier to dismiss my comment as flaming then so be it.
HKlevjer HKlevjer
this shouldn't have won
HKlevjer HKlevjer
you should have bad self-esteem after winning this

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 Car Love
by arcaico
Created June 27, 2004
30 votes   34 comments
352w x 234h (405KB)

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