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nancers nancers
hellraiser hellraiser
This deserves to be on top!!
nyxxie nyxxie
volkswes volkswes
berger berger
deshone deshone
sonnysan sonnysan
tcrkay tcrkay
Mine, mine mine mine...
billtvshow billtvshow
lots of good clean chops today
Serps Serps
MoZub MoZub
DLowrie DLowrie
very "metalic", thats a compliment :P
L@rue L@rue
wittekoppeke wittekoppeke
this is brilliant!
j-elzic j-elzic
freakin' beautiful!
neutura neutura
This really good. Oxy clean.
occecid occecid
Great story, nice photoshopping.
blackfox blackfox
the202 the202
arcaico arcaico
EddyG EddyG
Glad you included the source. Sweet work!
L-dawg L-dawg
lockfist lockfist
i like it a lot
fluados fluados
great too
Hanzeeg72 Hanzeeg72
Saaaayyy. This is really good!
serious serious
qqqqq qqqqq
ScionShade ScionShade
Indeed, top notch chop :-I
Gooey Gooey
Square Square
photolicious photolicious
very creative... great job...
16ozBud 16ozBud
luny luny
missrobin74 missrobin74
"photoadvantage contest"??? what, you're mad because people are supporting the site? I don't get it. Anyway, excellent work author :)
cheezy cheezy
so there!
tjsnaps tjsnaps
peril peril
EvilTigr EvilTigr
Stop the pigeon...stop the pigeon..stop the pigeon now! ( Dick Dastardly Vote )
Grimmie Grimmie
Poor birdy :(
RedJet RedJet
winner 4 sure
thbeghin thbeghin
metalic metalic
very "flyman" ;)
Chopper Chopper
I'm voting for the Anti-Advantage user that said it isn't fair. Here you go...VOTE!
pshene pshene
aeriel blur won me one once.. ;)
splodge splodge
hermann3000 hermann3000
Showcase Showcase
great dude!
Zingaro Zingaro
YerPalAl YerPalAl
scrolbar scrolbar
Funny clever and 3000! Congratulations
hoost hoost
How in the world did you take that picture from a window on that plane - vote
hacky hacky
gravyboat gravyboat
oCo oCo
Superb !
HandToolUK HandToolUK
This is one of the biggest votewinners in a long time. Great pic! :)


Gort Gort
great sense of movement on the engine and bird
flyman flyman
this has been created from scratch, all gulls have benn added, also the background image is a shot i took through the window on a plane (orig is sharp, blurred it here)
DLowrie DLowrie
I think the jet engine should be visible between the tailfeathers a bit. Maybe.
DLowrie DLowrie
I mean the wing
flyman flyman
plane imahe source: [img]
MoZub MoZub
wow... VERY nice work then; I particularly like the tranlucentcy of the feathers.
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Gonna be some minced gull in a second ... great stuff
flyman flyman
very "metalic", thats a compliment :P funny really as I worked with him for a few years
j-elzic j-elzic
all I can say is....I'm glad I didn't even bother with today's contest....I couldn't have come close.
anmazondi anmazondi
I think ...this a photoshop contest not an photoadvantage contest ...sorry...I love your work,very nice but.. is not fair.
cheezy cheezy
advantage comment above, it would not be FAIR if only a few people were ALLOWED to pay for advantage, but it is FAIR that everyone is allowed to pay and join. It supports the site. Why punish people who support this site? it's like what, 5 bucks? the cost
splodge splodge
"i hate advantage" ppl are a bunch of fucking ideots, it is there for every one, if you're not allowed to own a credit card, or your parents refuse to pay for advantage (only 2 resons i can think of for not having it) ask a friend to do the transaction fo
hoost hoost
used the word "ideots" in big comeback - vote.
HandToolUK HandToolUK
LOL @ "ideots". Oops. Shot yerself in the foot there... ;)

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 Flap faster...
by flyman
Created July 27, 2004
56 votes   14 comments
550w x 700h (57KB)

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