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Photoshop Contest Entry #66900
Look at the 'inside' of the accordion and the background

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billtvshow billtvshow
nice tx
ronni3264 ronni3264
Okay!!! NOW I see it!!! Very Cool!!!!
claudiolky claudiolky
smart idea using essex house... great
Patre Patre
Economical and effective use of the featured picture..
L-dawg L-dawg
Polka till ya puke!
Cynn Cynn
Yike! (Great use of source!)
anmazondi anmazondi
Brilliant Marlon! I like a lot what you´ve done with the pic! :-)
siem siem
speedial speedial
Very well rounded approach
supak0ma supak0ma
an accordian! where's Reinman???
anfa anfa
enchantress enchantress
nano nano
zetspat zetspat
Simple and extremely well done.
madraven madraven
jazgraphic jazgraphic
I'm not into accordions, so it took a minute...Well done
jerry717 jerry717
Does anyone else think that her tongue looks like a fetus or is it just me? ;) Another great use of mirroring!
Heather! Heather!
Serps Serps
Netwel Netwel
ReinMan ReinMan
DAMN! NEarly missed this one! And, if I do say so myself, it is BRILLIANT! You "young" choppers should take note of the MASTERY and GENIUS displayed here in this post. The STUNNING USAGE of one of God's GREATEST INVENTIONS FOR AMUSEMENT AND TORTURE can only GUARANTEE [b]NUMEROUS[/b] votes from any accordion LOVER her at PSC. (note to TXpinky - you coulda REALLY upped this by adding a badger somewhere... but I STILL loveya! :)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Role out the barrel, we'll have a barrel of fun...
doruletz doruletz
kurakima kurakima
Square Square
from one accordion chopping psc'er to another....nice job.
dbbowling dbbowling
I love the accordian picture....only thing i might add to this picture is Reinman singing next to this lady :) ....we are the pirates of the psc...
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Does anyone else think that her tongue looks like a fetus or is it just me? ;) - lol jerry... there definitely is something scary about that huge open mouth!
CornPone CornPone
velocity velocity
sidechain sidechain
I think I ran sound for this person at a Polka Festival a couple years ago. I remember her singing this note that she called her "z flat". This may even be a picture from that very event. If so, it was taken approximately 5 seconds before every light fixture in the building spontaniously exploded showering the audience (and me) in large, hot, slightly guilt-ridden shards of glass. Several were injured. I am still recovering. Nice pic, though. :-)
YerPalAl YerPalAl
See . . . . . I was rigiht about the ReinMan vote. ;-)
Lobotomized Lobotomized
splodge splodge


txpinky txpinky
watch closely
YerPalAl YerPalAl
This should get a vote from ReinMan . . . . .
txpinky txpinky
look ,also at the middle of the accordion
Patre Patre
Thanks for the tip-re: middle of the accordion. I totally missed it...
kopeski kopeski
she has a fetus in her mouth
MommysBoy MommysBoy
she is beautiful. I love her
txpinky txpinky
kopeski: yeh you're right funny! ha ha ha
txpinky txpinky
Thanks Reinman and all the other voters, many thanks!

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 [untitled entry]
by txpinky
Created January 21, 2005
33 votes   8 comments
500w x 600h (67KB)

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