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Photoshop Contest Entry #69197

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Heather! Heather!
you have angst and i feel your rush job pain and i think its funny// a vote for the idea
malcinbl malcinbl
Meggie Meggie
I like this, it provokes laughter! good for you!!!
zaiba zaiba
doruletz doruletz
Square Square
hacky hacky


a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
now that I looked at this here, I have to admit.... never NEVER! rush an entry! GAWD!!! dis is FUGLY of a job!!!
ReinMan ReinMan
Its okay, A4 - with the right drugs and medications this entry will be FINE! :D
malcinbl malcinbl
if it's that funny vote for it!! I think it's funny. In fact I'm going to use my last vote on it....
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
well I feel a MONDAY comming on as Garfield might say.... Thanxs for all of your generous votes and comments! And as far as drugs reinman, they told me never mix any with comming down from peyote buds (wink), cuz it don't mess well with the shroom tea, if
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
must be monday... I can't spell comming, er coming... shhheeeeeshh!
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
You're most generous Heather, malcinbl, meggie, and to my silent ones... zaiba & doruletz, I wouldn't wanna admit I'd vote for sumtin dis fugly either! LOL! But thanxs loads! And of course any other critique, or comments are welcomed. is it Friday yet?
a4pawedpal a4pawedpal
now I'm stunned no critics have asked why he's wearing rain gear when audience isn't??? Hmmmmm .... goes check attention span levels.....
G7 G7
ReinMan is right, it is okay...............the biggest problem is were to find these drugs/ medications.........I am afraid they are not invented yet.............. :-) :-þ

 Monday Morning Fastball
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 [untitled entry]
by a4pawedpal
Created February 20, 2005
7 votes   10 comments
500w x 403h (64KB)

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