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The Flasher
The Flasher
Go granny go!!

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div1sion div1sion
lmao ;)
Rex Cross Rex Cross
*grandma cant stop laughing* vote
yello_piggy yello_piggy
billtvshow billtvshow
marcoballistic marcoballistic
now now young man, I'll whip that off if you do that again, lol cool cowboy
Shawn Doremus Shawn Doremus
pitbullz pitbullz
rofl nice chop :)
Noto Morrow Noto Morrow
Patre Patre
I think she is blind, but then so is he...
TheShaman TheShaman
ReyRey ReyRey
That sick she's holding, is that a tally Whacker?
Da_Dude Da_Dude
loool, love it
relax relax
claudiolky claudiolky
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
hehe, dont mess with granny vote :)
babydolll babydolll
great :) funny idea
M@rK M@rK
aaaahhhhhaaa ha ha ha ha ha
Bluesbro Bluesbro
Whack that pee pee
HKlevjer HKlevjer
I 2nd bluesbro
velocity velocity
HAHA... that's funny
arcaico arcaico
zookeeper193 zookeeper193
Serps Serps
karell karell
:-) lol
theduplicate theduplicate
too funny !!:))
hellraiser hellraiser
MindGraph MindGraph
that you cowboy? Love expressions!
mikey mikey
Strike him in the nad's!!
jefflang007 jefflang007
poor old duck
L@rue L@rue
Synthvet Synthvet
flash vote
Michel Michel
Hit him where it hurts
blue_lurker blue_lurker
It's not true they let me off ya know.....
delucx delucx
pegnolia pegnolia
now that must be something to shake a stick at
deshone deshone
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
anfa anfa
jerry717 jerry717
nancers nancers


cowboy399 cowboy399
Three sources used. Extended photo, moved granny to the left. Raised head, added smile, cane, etc.
cowboy399 cowboy399
I almost used the same guy in the "bench conversation" contest but it was so late in the game I decided not to. Here is what I "almost" submitted, [img]
cowboy399 cowboy399
You got me MindGraph. Granny was my first true love. She really knew how to whack a wanger!

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 The Flasher
by cowboy399
Created October 03, 2005
41 votes   3 comments
550w x 450h (125KB)

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