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Waiter @$@#$%
Waiter @$@#$%
Customer,"Waiter there is an Iguana in my soup..." Waiter," Shut up Everyone will want one! (Source, Soup and Iguana foot and a piece of tail...)

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listen2WEEN listen2WEEN
nav nav
Awsome....can i taste that?
Heinlein Heinlein
seamusoisin seamusoisin
bluefist bluefist
meta meta
Tastes like chicken...
mikey mikey
Oh ya! ~ diving for peas" haha! ~ nice work K!
Spritle Spritle
Looks yummy. Nice job.
Joeyb6571 Joeyb6571
I think I had this in France once.
anfa anfa
Yummy! :)
Patre Patre
Funny-"Lizard lunch". Composition makes theme work..
Persuader Persuader
haha funny idea and very well integrated Kathy =) good work (=
claudiolky claudiolky
Great work...clear and bright. But a soup with a alive lizard....disgusting
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Can I have fries with that
Micose Micose
in french : "bon appetit !"
kentq kentq
is that lizard doing the breast stroke? good job
Caldera Caldera
hmmm, appetizing ;-)
MindGraph MindGraph
excellent work! Only thing I'd suggest is shadowing on the hand and tail to the bowl. Great idea and nice blend!
CarlC CarlC
Tastes like chicken! like Meta said, I ordered mine w/o nuts
jeepers jeepers
Aw come on! It's a little extra protein!
dbbowling dbbowling
Goat1981 Goat1981
Eve Eve
At first I thought, another source made into food BUT read your notes and am in hysterics. What a funny girl!!!
Serps Serps
betdoval betdoval
good idea! good text. :)
KayKay KayKay
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
I thought it was, "What's this lizard doing in my soup?" "Looks like the backstroke."
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Tijn Tijn
cool idea!
TheShaman TheShaman
Great you fixed the shadowing... good job K
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
:) the pea is a good effect!
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
cowboy399 cowboy399
olive olive
anabrin anabrin
Cambria Cambria
LOL the lizard 'arm' sticking out of the "red stuff" scary!! Awesome job!
Claf Claf
Cool Kansas! :)
sotiris sotiris
Wett Wett
laughed out loud and then voted :D
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol K, good idea
sage sage
Excellent, Kansas! very funny and well done. great shadow work.
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Nice blending, very well done!
cafn8d cafn8d
Eepi Eepi


Kansas Kansas
Yeah Mikey.. Forget about there's an Iguana in my soup.. The Iguana is saying Hey there's "Pea" in mine....ha
nav nav
This is ridiculous....everyone knows that a deep fried egg roll doesn't pair well with such stew.
Kansas Kansas
Nav are you playing bad cop again? ;)
nav nav's your be the cop...I'll be the robbber.
Kansas Kansas
Nav..I think we'd better take this somewhere else...ha
Kansas Kansas
Thanks Mind Graph.. Over site...Fixed it.
mikey mikey
Great rework Kansas" looks grand! ~
jefflang007 jefflang007
sorry mate out of votes. ggod work
Kansas Kansas
Queen.. Couldn't use that line...He's doing the breast stroke silly...
MindGraph MindGraph
looks awesome Kansas! Cherry on the already great looking sundae! =)

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 Waiter @$@#$%
by Kansas
Created January 11, 2006
44 votes   10 comments
550w x 413h (107KB)

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