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100% source! woo! i finally got it finished. around 20 layers. enjoy

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marcoballistic marcoballistic
ha ha awww, excellant manipulation , creativity and thinking Armo, this is great
dbbowling dbbowling
Wonderful transformation of the bug to an elephant.
mikey mikey
My name is mikey, not mickey" I worked on mine for 5 hours thats why it came out good ~ do something else if your not happy with what you did, I change my mine all the time ~ chop it till its good! ~
Serps Serps
hungry hungry
Eve Eve
You've done a completely different and very whimsical image. I really really really really really really really really like it!!!!!!!!
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
delucx delucx
olive olive
Micose Micose
excellent !
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
aside from the cry of anguish and rage below, i really like this! very cheery and cute.


beans_n_toast beans_n_toast
lol lovely
armogeden armogeden
dag nabit! mickey had the same idea and did it better than me
armogeden armogeden
woah calm down dear. sorry for gettin your name wrong but i did try on mine aswell ok? its ok to be worse than you im happy all the same

 Bug Belly
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by armogeden
Created January 15, 2006
12 votes   3 comments
450w x 600h (124KB)

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