Some of you may not know who E.A. Poe is, but hopefully there are some fans here. This is a tribute to Poe's 'The Raven'. |
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some of you may think this was a simple saturation and add-smoke job, but it was actually a lot more than that. Has a lot of layers for the fog, lots of burn and stuff like that. I also had to cut all those birds out of separate pics...
they didn't all come from the same photo.
dang, I just realized that the title had been cut off. That is actually Poe's tombstone there at the bottom. I thought it tied the whole picture up nicely, especially with the raven engraved upon it.
thank you, DTB. that was one of my biggest worries. I'm glad you like it.
I managed to get a look at this on a really nice monitor, and it is a lot lighter and doesn't look as good as it does on my screen. :( You all need to get monitors like mine so you can see it the way I do! ;)
"jerry717 : c'mon...who wouldn't know who E. A. Poe is?" well, you never know with some people. And I don't know how well-known he is on the other side of the planet!
Edgar Allan Poe
by mason4300
Created February 03, 2006
49 votes
550w x 415h (122KB)
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