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Looking Beyond
Looking Beyond
Alternative Sources: Wind, Solar & Ethanol  

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
I like your "i" most! superb entry
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Environmental Preservation Vote
karell karell
good job :>)
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jad3 jad3
Kansas Kansas
Are you a graphic artist!!! Wowzers Sean! Way cool. You could sell this to an agricultural magazine!
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
ad-libbed vote. Looks as good as the first time I saw it. ;-P
kentq kentq
cool...very nice concept
mikey mikey
Worthy! ~ well done" ~
bsoholic bsoholic
Very well done!
Heinlein Heinlein
You are a great graphic designer Sean
anabrin anabrin
Beautiful looking
Cambria Cambria
very clever - sepia tone works well here
ReyRey ReyRey
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Good job
Persuader Persuader
original and creative idea Sean - i like it =)
claudiolky claudiolky
magnific job
CarlC CarlC
dbbowling dbbowling
Well done Shaman :) ~ I like it ~
marcoballistic marcoballistic
clever idea Sean, like it
Advocate Advocate
I think this would work well as a environmentalist ad campaign sign or something. Looks quite professional.
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Micose Micose
brilliant !
Vlad Vlad
Nice ad.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Desh is right but it is well done and vote worthy IMHO
bigbuck bigbuck
Great Idea! Nicely done.
Wett Wett
talex talex
nice work
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
outlined font vote! I realy like this Shaman, it's different but maybe that makes this chop good.i'm glad every people has his own opinion keeps things interesting.
Michel Michel
Ah! The old debate : what should be considered an entry and what shouldn't...
Claf Claf
Good idea! :)


deshone deshone
why is this getting so much votes ? ... nothing great here
TheShaman TheShaman
Yes I am a graphic designer by trade & I went for an ad/art concept look here... and deshone just cause you dont like it doesnt mean everyone doesnt.
TheShaman TheShaman
& Its not like I just slapped a bunch of images together either... There is a method to the madness
TheShaman TheShaman
The sepia tone rig represents dirty/grunge, The O I used the windmills cause they are circular. for the I I went solar and sun and the L I found a nice image of corn where it shaped like the L all are nice and bright and better sources than OIL.
TheShaman TheShaman
thus I am "looking beyond" OIL
deshone deshone
i understand that you thought about it but in my opinion it has nothing to do with photomanipulation ... you just outlined a font ... put some pics in them and beveled them ... not even mentioning the text 'looking beyond' and what you done with i
deshone deshone
i am just really surprised this is in the top 4 when there are so many other well manipulated chops ... it has nothing to do with me not liking it ...
deshone deshone
i am just blaiming the voters :) ... you can do a better job judging from your portfolio ...
TheShaman TheShaman
its the beginning of the contest deshone. plenty of time to go down in the standings. thanks for the comments/concern. Yeah this isnt my best, nor did I ever say it was. I cant make gold every effing day. Some days I bust my ass and get nothing it happens
TheShaman TheShaman
I just wanted to do something 'different' again, you didnt like it, fine. good for you. go vote elsewhere then.
TheShaman TheShaman
what you see above, IS what I do for a living.... either you like it or you dont. I wanted to go a different direction today, I am happy with what Ive produced, and quite frankly thats all that matters to ME
TheShaman TheShaman
"you can do a better job judging from your portfolio" I find it interesting that out of 150 entries, I have 7 whole votes from you
supak0ma supak0ma
deshone, that prick! :P
TheShaman TheShaman
lol supa, lets not get into calling people names.
Kansas Kansas
I feel like I'm in the hall at school.. I should start yelling .. FIght Fight!! over here fight!!! LOL.. Kidding Sean.. I would have been mortified! I know how long it takes you to make stuff.. so I support your case and my hard drive does too! ha
TheShaman TheShaman
Thank you everyone for your kindness
TheShaman TheShaman
Thanks again to everyone who voted for this.... & Advocate spot on man.

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 Looking Beyond
by TheShaman
Created February 08, 2006
31 votes   19 comments
550w x 600h (121KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  6
theme  3

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