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Shame-on him...
Shame-on him...
Get it Shaman him..LOL

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TheShaman TheShaman
Its all about Jesus Kathy.... oh and the naked chicks! lol we cant forget the naked chicks! lmfao
Micose Micose
whaoo...i like this graphism...powerful atmosphere...
karell karell
good job :>)
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
i like this one, although i like the woods one to...
nav nav
Very nice job!
kentq kentq
this is very nice Kathy
claudiolky claudiolky
a lot of work with a great result...
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Um I think Shaman wants to do more than a baptism...just saying thats all!!!
bsoholic bsoholic
Good one!
nancers nancers
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol, this is beyond funny, great work here too K, look at Sean go lol
jerry717 jerry717
Gort Gort
love the colors
mikey mikey
Eve Eve
Very creatively done, with the new perspective and nice additions. But who is that annoying person staring at the naked girl? ;)
bigbuck bigbuck
Govan Govan
good job
L@rue L@rue
seamusoisin seamusoisin
milu milu
hehe:-) nice job
tomicrouz tomicrouz
Persuader Persuader
really nice composition Kathy - well done =)
Designed2522 Designed2522
Cool entry K!!!
anabrin anabrin
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
My God, this is disgaceful! I wondered what they did in that church! How do you get there again?
Michel Michel
Always ready to help...
woodie woodie
Naked Lady Vote! Nice work.
Cambria Cambria
lol... fun one! Go Shaman!!!!
Claf Claf
delucx delucx


Kansas Kansas
On the journey for my team chop I had several runs at it... These are the ones I let go of in favor of the one with Shaman... baptizing chicks.
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Always love the fun at Sean's expense but I like the rope swing better.
Kansas Kansas
I think this will work.. put them all on one. [img]
Kansas Kansas
I went a head and posted the Rope Swing one too... I guess Maybe I over thought this one.. I thought it was a sure winner at PSC..Reference to a member, funny, naked chicks and the use of a lot of source.
Kansas Kansas
So not your cup of tea: visit..
TheShaman TheShaman
any women here that need baptizin' please... please let me know lol
TheShaman TheShaman
Being a good Christian... its the least I can do ;D
mikey mikey
Gort Gort
Oh, yes it is...
Kansas Kansas
Mikey.. Sent you a PM.Sorry if you are offended. FYI_My favorite picture of Jesus is when he is laughing.It's hanging in our church. I think if I was standing next to him.he would think this is funny. That's why I wasn't worried It was done w
Kansas Kansas
with love.. very much so.
mikey mikey
Delete that comment I made" I over reacted ~ sorry! ~
Designed2522 Designed2522
Ok tell me something all of you people are talkin like you know one another personally... is this true?
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Designed: We've come to know one another via the contests, forums and chat sections of PSC. Hang out there and we'll come to know you more too (and we look forward to it).
TheShaman TheShaman
yeah designed, Kansas(kathy) and I have been team partners, and thus have talked outside of PSC. and there are a few others as well as Tofu (chris) has also said... it really is a great community!
Kansas Kansas
I thought about what Mikey said.. Out of repsect for Mikey I changed the entry's name...

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 Shame-on him...
by Kansas
Created March 05, 2006
31 votes   14 comments
550w x 546h (117KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  2
idea  0
theme  0

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