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Floating Fortress
Floating Fortress
This is all mine. And for those who did not see my original post, I did not claim Allsource/PS. Thanks for viewing!

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kentq kentq
very nice...
FootFungas FootFungas
TheShaman TheShaman
ece ece
bigbuck bigbuck
Chopper Chopper
Kansas Kansas
This is one sweet chop! Good job to you. Keep these great pieces coming....
Micose Micose
nice work Svster !
Heinlein Heinlein
madraven madraven
Some say gravity sucks, but no gravity sucks worse.
tomicrouz tomicrouz
marcoballistic marcoballistic
nice honest unrealised error originally, this in itself still deserves a vote, good one steve
ReyRey ReyRey
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
I missed all the hullabalue, but I guess it's cleared up now, so I'll float the vote
mikey mikey
Good one! ~
Lrossa Lrossa
galvatronix galvatronix
Cambria Cambria
Nicely done... and yes... we've all 'borrowed' sources.
delucx delucx
Wett Wett


kooi kooi
deshone deshone
dude ... don't steal my work please :)
chrispis chrispis
come on,... this is not cool stevster,...
volkswes volkswes
you might want to ask permission next time
Chopper Chopper
I want my vote back.
Stevster Stevster
sorry I just put the chopped castle of the orignal image I found on Google. I'll remove the post, many apologies!
ShredAndDestroy ShredAndDestroy
thats just insane!!!
deshone deshone
shame of your chopepd castle ... that doesn't even looks that bad ... :)
Stevster Stevster
I had no idea everyone ask for permission before using a photo from google. I have removed the image from the contest and PM desh an apology.
deshone deshone
no problem dude ... bad luck for you i am a member here :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
what have I missed?
Stevster Stevster
I put my chopped castle on deshone's artwork without permission.
Kansas Kansas
Hey... I think in the midst of chopping that we've all grabbed a piece here and there without asking proper permission....If we did we wouldn't get anything done. Didn't see the original This piece is awesome!
Micose Micose
, if someone uses my stuff, i just attack him/her with on trial ....hehehehehe
TheShaman TheShaman
this is the reason why I try to site my outside sources most of the time in authors notes.... so people dont think I did something I hadnt done.... just a tip stevster to be fair to you though, you didnt claim it to be yours either.
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Micose, we just want to see your stuff today, no post?

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 Floating Fortress
by Stevster
Created April 14, 2006
21 votes   16 comments
486w x 600h (105KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  0
theme  2

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