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Hey Paul.. lol and what birds do deliver babies? huh.... In my world I thought I did a very beautiful post my world these type of birds deliver babies in Giant panties.. So there..nanny nanny poo poo!
For everyone else...meaning not Paul! lol It's not panties... I thought I'd try a little something new. It was a load of fun. I was trying to go for an artsy type stork cabbage patch theme. I think it works.. all kidding aside.
Paul Von Stetina
Storks do! And the bird that does not deliver babies?....ready?.... are you sure?....A Swallow :)=
Kansas pg&imgrefurl= =191&hl=en&start=55&tbnid=6yOmCFeXT9JWbM:&tbnh=106&tbnw=142&prev=/images%
See... I googled.. Stork... I can't find the one I used.. but ...but but it's a stork..See I'm not a dork.
Paul Von Stetina Kathy, this looks like a wood Stork to me, I guess the white stork looks a lot alike, hmmmm anyway these were almost hunted to extinction for their plumage, but they have made a major comeback,
Paul Von Stetina
I own some land on the west coast of Florida, and one day there was a flock of them, right there in front of me, of course, no camera in hand, but they truly are something to see.
Paul.. Next time I make this post.. I will photoshop it so that the whole stork is white...I just thought it looked kind of dreamy like this.... I see what you mean though. Thanks paul.
Paul Von Stetina
I like the wings black like that, the only weakness this post had in my opinion, was that it looks like there is no weight, or form in the bottom of the baby pouch, or giant panties (I just like saying that) lol, this was a great post Kathy
Cabbage Patch
by Kansas
Created June 28, 2006
35 votes
550w x 480h (117KB)
Voting Qualities
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