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"Loss of Color"
Loss of Color
All I can say is I got the idea when eating an icecream while looking at the source... I started working on the picture and my icecream started melting all over my shoe... NO MORE ICECREAM CONES NEAR THE COMPUTER!!! ~ Enjoy ~ =P

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Stevster Stevster
kittie kittie
lovely and artistic :)
dbbowling dbbowling
wonderful :D
pacoperez pacoperez
telefotoguy telefotoguy
nice one
billtvshow billtvshow
Kansas Kansas
yello_piggy yello_piggy
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Like it!
Gort Gort
nice image
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
bigbuck bigbuck
ece ece
Caldera Caldera
Cabbage Ice Cream vote ;-)
cyberskull cyberskull
wow nice art
laurastyle laurastyle
claudiolky claudiolky
A masterpiece
Eve Eve
ng3000 ng3000
j58roldan j58roldan
Very Nice!
buglover buglover
she could need an aircondition!
Evelyn Evelyn
love this! - that drip didnt' get on the keyboard - shoes can be replaced
Wow...keep eating ice cream :-)
karell karell
Govan Govan
Nice job!!
GrampZ GrampZ
bx3800 bx3800
The leaf lady has on waaayy too much clothes on:. Beaut!!
malcinbl malcinbl
Goat1981 Goat1981
Nice! I love the color.
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Do you have anymore of that center filling ice cream? I've heard of ta ta's but nee nee's? lol
arcaico arcaico
Serps Serps
Very nice
the burning couch the burning couch
my fave!!!
Krank Krank
askerai askerai
L@rue L@rue
10M 10M
nice art
Micose Micose
Death of a Clown Death of a Clown
Beautiful job.
Heinlein Heinlein
I love it
olive olive
nice :-)
Melusky Melusky
anabrin anabrin
Cherree Cherree
aka yuki aka yuki
TheShaman TheShaman
Sulemi Sulemi
anfa anfa
Nice! :)
bsoholic bsoholic
rashdog rashdog
ScionShade ScionShade
sipher69 sipher69
Claf Claf
cafn8d cafn8d


Designed2522 Designed2522
Ha, your funny BX, to tell you the truth, Im thinking of becoming a cloths designer, the girl in the orginal did not have her top half covered so I had to do some drape work to cover her nee nee's =)
Designed2522 Designed2522
Your riot paul, I have many names for fem parts... I thought that nee nees fit well for this picture... but ta ta's works just as well!!! But im currently at work and have to get breastses of my mind!!!!! lmoa!!!!
Zeter Zeter
"all over my shoe" do u wear shoes inside? :P wish I could vote, really nice!
Crowned Crowned
sincerly superb

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 "Loss of Color"
by Designed2522
Created June 29, 2006
55 votes   4 comments
539w x 550h (86KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  10
humor  0
idea  2
theme  2

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