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Its, wabbit season, no its duck, season, no it's people season!! b>(Sources:.)

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yello_piggy yello_piggy
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Heinlein Heinlein
NirC2 NirC2
Persuader Persuader
LOL - same idea vote - funny chop bx (=
mattybee mattybee
lol nice one
billtvshow billtvshow
16ozBud 16ozBud
That be to take man ass it is patching, Yogi does not obtain and turn the fact that it is clear, most under to the butt crackless it is thickly the present to be, when the salt rock is the ass wound is thrust, it means being Nancers.
TheShaman TheShaman
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Don't be offended but I totally thought this was a Reinman piece. HAHAHAHA
rebelos rebelos
Excellent sense of humor! Bravo!!
Spritle Spritle
Micose Micose
in the a** ! great work mate!
mikey mikey
anabrin anabrin
seamusoisin seamusoisin
ReyRey ReyRey
Ditto what 16 oz said....I think?
nooby nooby
idea vote!
pacoperez pacoperez
Evelyn Evelyn
funny one
Claf Claf
hey hey hey! :D
bsoholic bsoholic
Nonam Nonam
Will_E_Makit Will_E_Makit
CarlC CarlC
screamingly funny
Krank Krank
nyxxie nyxxie
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
Eve Eve
I'm guessing Bud makes a comment and runs it through several language translators. btw, bears get shot w/ more dignity.
bigbuck bigbuck
Michel Michel
Manass Season vote
Serps Serps
Sulemi Sulemi
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
"BrokeBack Mountain"- "Part 2" vote
thatbobguy thatbobguy
Armed Bears !!- I'd shoot that guy in the foreground, just for the stupid look on his face.I'm wondering what we'd see if the bear moved his head?
ReinMan ReinMan
comment nil
dbbowling dbbowling
Kansas Kansas
Manass Vote
telefotoguy telefotoguy
Goat1981 Goat1981
*LOL* this is great.
Stevster Stevster
armogeden armogeden
Eepi Eepi
Sassy Sassy
hahahaha would love to see tome cruise out there...:)
delucx delucx
great 8)
Caldera Caldera
Cambria Cambria
turnabout is fair play
Tonto Tonto
tonto like pale face chop
L@rue L@rue


bx3800 bx3800
Hey wheres my man crack? it was there when i posted??
bx3800 bx3800
Yeeeaayy 16oz, LSD comments!! , okay what I made out is you should put salt rock on a crackless ass, watch out nancers is a mod? and will take it down, Yogi making reference to the bear, and that hes not turned around.
kkelso kkelso
that dude has no ass crack
risada_dg risada_dg
TheShaman TheShaman
bx you speak 16ozBudese very well! I could use a man like you lol
bx3800 bx3800
Sorry everyone, but this is what should have posted last night:. I fell asleep half way into my chop:. Just got some spare time right now to re-post.
bsoholic bsoholic
you fell alseep half-way thru your chop? ha! I've been there man.
bx3800 bx3800
Eve, it was opposites that i was going for:. Bears are nake din the wild all they have is their fur, all we have is our skin:. and clothes were only created to hide our shame when we had sinned:. (or so i heard)
ReinMan ReinMan
[i]TofuTheGreat[/i] Don't be offended but I totally thought this was a Reinman piece. HAHAHAHA. [b] nice. no more are you on my xmas list[/b]
bx3800 bx3800
Hey Tofu i take that as a gret compliment, Hey reinman I take that as a severe insult.
bx3800 bx3800
BoBGUY Id shoot the guy in the foreground too:. look closely at his tattoo. hahah (All in fun Canada)
ReinMan ReinMan
We Canadians are simply Very Sophisticated in the Realm of HUMOUR, you see. This is, quite plainly, a rather droll and silly post. I find that having my moniker attached to it in any way makes me feel rather... um, shall we say - QUEASY? Hmph! etc.
ReinMan ReinMan
Though, I must say, I'm glad the girls are getting some Manass for a change WITHOUT bothering ME! :/
bx3800 bx3800
Rein, please dont take anything i say seriously:. im always joking and have a very dry and twisted sense of humor:. I am honored to be compared to a PSC VET! Thats like when Kobe bryant was once compared to Mjordan or Magic Johnson
glennhanna glennhanna
That's hillarious!

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by bx3800
Created August 08, 2006
50 votes   15 comments
600w x 600h (474KB)

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authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  10
idea  1
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