Lord David
BTW... that licence plate is incorrect, it should be a barcode plate not 88mph, it was never 88mph
lol Dave, damn you lol
it is meant to be beyond the pole Andy, it was hard to find a happy ground, as I didn't want the delorean to swamp the scene, a little creative license was needed to balance the image :o)
it was Jiga Bn, but spelt Giga ;o)
yeah I hear ya Sean, I was messing with that, but it lost all the work I did.... had to compromise, plus this isn't exactly a reality piece lmao
Paul Von Stetina
OK Marco, I have to point out some serious flaws, you have flames coming from the ground to folded up tires, the car did not need the wire hook at that point, because it could fly, so if this is the case, none of this makes any sense to me
Paul Von Stetina
OOOps! doh! lol
ok to the wire Paul good point, I included it for the overall feel of the piece and theme. however I am almost posative even the flying car left flame trails in the sky when about to hit the 88 mph. Or at least it did at the end of the 1st film :o)
Paul Von Stetina
only at the end of the 1st film could the car fly, and it was getting its power from organic waste, it also had anti-gravity, so no need for hokey hook ups with wires and lightning, those tires should be down damn it! I want a refund! lol
Paul Von Stetina
What does the Flux-Capacitor say...just look :)=
ok ok ok lol, while based on a film here, reality wasn't exactly the main draw of this entry ha ha, I was attempting to tie in the theme of back 2 the future. I admit the hook, yeah ok, but the flames did happen and the tires were up so lets...
...give a point to each of us and call it a tie game :oD
Paul Von Stetina
getting nervous? only 3 hours left, why isn't that box lid that's flying off got any smoke on it? lol
smoke on the box lid, god Paul have you never stood directly under a telegraph pole in an electrical storm the exact moment several lightning bolts hit it.... the lid just shoots off, ha ha ha smoke indeed bwaa ha a :o) time for the meds me thinks :oP
with all due respect..a comfortably deserved win.
yay to the dinky toy delorean ! :P
Congrats Marco you are great. I have to say that for a few moments i hoped to do it ha ha ha ha
congrats Marco, stunning entry!
cheers guys
Cool one. into my favs. Congrats Marco!
cheers Net
wait.. i swear i already left a comment for this... o well