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digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Well, I'll vote for it... ;)
Govan Govan
leif leif
mind boggeling... and I'm really impressed by the lack of filters. It would have taken me a hell of a lot more than 60 hours. Impressive exicution, excuisit attention to detail, instant classic.. I'd be so proud of this...
Lord David Lord David
You know, traditionally when you *wink* ;) It means you don't mean what you just said *wink* *wink* ;) ;) efbuiegiufgweuigftuigweuitguiwegtuifgwuiegfiuwegbuifgeuigfuiewgiuewigiuwegiuweguiwgiuegiuwegigiweghjfkhksdhkjfvbseguifgweigfwigwfuiweguifweguiwefgu
dfwsusan dfwsusan
candyart candyart
hilight11818 hilight11818
Sassy Sassy
BAwawawawaaaaa I am SOOOOO glad I posted mine before youse now get the hell out of my mind!!! LOL
xovlov xovlov
there's really a lot to be said for this. fortunately I'm not the one saying it.
creatrix creatrix
I'm with Sliv... I think this is hysterical, but I gave it a comment rather than a vote just because if by some bizaare convergence of forces it wins, it would really suck.
supak0ma supak0ma
wtf, this is awesome!
Claf Claf
Hahahahaha! 60 hours... it's pretty fast! That's the best vertical & horizontal extentions, repair, alterations & change of perspective I have ever seen!! :)
Eve Eve
This vote smelled like Chicken! LOL
L@rue L@rue
Evelyn Evelyn
Micose Micose
undervoted so far
dabdi56 dabdi56
volkswes volkswes
saweeeeeeet work
ScionShade ScionShade
Great chop.Woulda had more votes if this were anon.
Alex Alex
Instant classic... The best chop I've seen since that floating bread one.
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
dewking dewking
askerai askerai
anfa anfa


Chicken Chicken
Thanks all.... ....I have over 60 hours in this image
Stevster Stevster
creatrix creatrix
wiseass. LOL
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
How many layers??
Chicken Chicken
cafn8d cafn8d
So are Eros' wings composed of all the tail feathers I've plucked from you, Chicken? Here's another: *ploink* ;)
cherylm329 cherylm329
Interesting :P
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Damn that midget is tryin ta burst her boobies...go midget...go midget...go midget...
Sliver Sliver
why even bother... this is so wrong, practically stealing votes from someone else, i don't care how funny it may seem to most of you...
Sliver Sliver
I'll give you the first comment I got from micose when I uploaded my first entry here.. "go home"
Granulated Granulated
DP you knob
Granulated Granulated
creatrix creatrix
CRAP!!!! I hit "Vote" when I meant to hit "Comment"!!!!!
Chicken Chicken
glennhanna glennhanna
Oh you did this one! Amazing!
Crowned Crowned
I would like to see the psd file...
Claf Claf
Voting Qualities: authenticity: 3 ... ?? :D LOL
TheShaman TheShaman
Ive got a few murals I want you to do for me Chicken... but sorry OoV
Eepi Eepi
Eepi Eepi
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
I don't think Eepi gets the Chickeness?
Chicken Chicken
1337hax0r 1337hax0r
i voted for you fag...
roy Green roy Green
100% source? more like 100% joke, this really takes the biscuit, im certain you just pulled this straight off the internet.
Eepi Eepi
I see the joke here. But I'd rather see 48 comments than 23+25
dewking dewking
Wait... this isnt real?? I mean, it is real, but its not real? Im so confused.
Chicken Chicken
Yes its real....Dont listen to ROY GREEN if that IS his real name....THIS IS 100% SOURCE!!!
Luxwiz Luxwiz
HAHAHAHA!!! SUCKERS!!!..I didn't vote for this so I guess that counts me out. and you stuck the wings on crooked.. %-P..As Bush said ,ya get fooled once..can't fool ya ..can't get fooled ..?? if ya get fueled...why fuel ya gain'? Cow is lookin for ya! HA!
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Looks like cupid's taking aim after all. nice chop CHICKEN!!!.FLOL...but shit I forgot to vote for this again.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
well I'll make up for it and give ya yer 30th comment...cheers chicken it made me laugh ;-)
gravyboat gravyboat
*sigh*, dumber than usual.....
Chicken Chicken
arcaico arcaico
Damn, I missed this one. One day I´ll chop like you Chicken. Rey and Claf are horse shite compared to you. Great chop mate!

 Lawn Angel
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 100% SOURCE
by Chicken
Created February 26, 2007
24 votes   33 comments
669w x 960h (301KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  3
execution  2
humor  3
idea  0
theme  0

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