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rockymike rockymike
Wow, this is really cool.
dbbowling dbbowling
hellraiser hellraiser
Netwel Netwel
billtvshow billtvshow
tru, tru
efunk efunk
Great work
TheShaman TheShaman
claudiolky claudiolky
Caldera Caldera
Damn good
Lrossa Lrossa
kooi kooi
Patre Patre
Very clever and nice blend and transformation of the globe from round to square.
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
ayok ayok
wow.. this is perfect!
rashdog rashdog
very nice...I want those countries to wrap those corners, though...but still a good job
HKlevjer HKlevjer
mikey mikey
Good brainstorming and execution!.. creativity abounds around here!~
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
I TOLF you guys it was flat.
Da_Dude Da_Dude
good work
Alex Alex
marcoballistic marcoballistic
its a shame that the sides of the cube have the same part of the world on, would have like to see the original stretched around the cube, but as an idea, and the look of the finished work, it is exceptional, and i really like it, good job Spritle
nubie nubie
I Like it!! Now that is thinking "Inside the box"!!
Eepi Eepi
Freakboy Freakboy
Incredible dude, so well seen and amazingly executed!
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
what marco said...different sides would've been better, but this is pretty sharp work.
ReinMan ReinMan
Oh - and I like this!
mint mint
Agree with Rashdog and Marco, the countries should continue on the other side.. But still nice work
Persuader Persuader
excellent transformation and lights - very well done spritle =)
Goat1981 Goat1981
Cool idea! Nice work and effort.
velocity velocity
Don't fall off the edge of the Earth... Nice clean transformation
couldb5150 couldb5150
CarlC CarlC
home of sponge bob
ScionShade ScionShade
Took the long way home today.Ended up going a quarter way 'round the world to get to my house three blocks away.Wrong turns suck on Square planet. NICE CHOP!
Serps Serps
blissgirl blissgirl
well done!
*=J=* *=J=*
great idea and fantastic chop. Unfortunately I live on the bottom right corner, so im guessing I probably would have fallen off by now.
16ozBud 16ozBud
I was gonna do this, I figured there would be several square worlds todaY :)
Kansas Kansas
Good job Columbus!
lyaudaine lyaudaine
tabby275 tabby275
well, never-the-less, I like it :)
tallwalker tallwalker
ScottyMiami ScottyMiami
this is very cool!
AlmostPerfect AlmostPerfect
Wett Wett
I just like what you did and voted for it...some people at this site need more fiber in their diets ;)
delucx delucx
nice :)
olive olive
nice :-) bizarro world in the comicbook was square, and that was well before worth1000 :-P
jerry717 jerry717
sage sage
anfa anfa
styson styson
arcaico arcaico
very nice
cafn8d cafn8d
cowboy399 cowboy399
yello_piggy yello_piggy
you have enterd the zone of hate, spitle ;-)
<senzotaku> <senzotaku>
Great work. speedvote, better comment next time :)


Caldera Caldera
I'm sure every good idea has been done before. I would bet that the author of that image you linked received their idea from something they saw too. This one is unique enough for me, good work.
Da_Dude Da_Dude
how can you tell that this idea is stolen from that exact image? making smth round into smth square is just a cliché idea, like melting or snow on it, and is done a lot.. I also did it with a clock once..
Da_Dude Da_Dude
(and I'm NOT saying that the idea is bad!!)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
yeah I would have to agree with DD and Cal, this is a good idea, and there is absolutely no evidence that Spritle has seen or referenced to the image you linked here Zen, or any other image, and even if that is the case,
marcoballistic marcoballistic
it is a well thought out and executed image, doesn't deserve not to be voted for just because someone else in the world did it at some point in time, originality it great, but so is technique, idea processes and improvement.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
but saying that too, you are more than welcome to have your own opinion, andI respect you for that. My view though, great piece of work.
Spritle Spritle
Yeah you caught me I was viewing [img] Where ever the hell that is. There are some dark corners of the internet where I have never been happens to be one of them.
Spritle Spritle
Is a square globe such a far out idea that more than one person could have thought of it? If it helps I swear to god that I never saw the image you referenced. May he strike me down dead if I ever saw it. Amen.
billtvshow billtvshow
I agree with marco, good ps work spritle
marcoballistic marcoballistic
amen to that spritle, and that clears that up
Feral Hamster Feral Hamster
You've been caught sprittle...i just got this message: "Greeting, I am Pablo from Portugal. Maizumpomonte es my site, and sprittle is there ALL de time. Sprittle even ask me about square globe today!" For shame, sprittle!!
Da_Dude Da_Dude
:'D LMFAO.. gotta love the hamsterz
ReinMan ReinMan
All you guys are SOOOOOO Frickin' SMART! Who is to say that IF the world were indeed SQUARE that each side would NOT be exactly the same? How many of you have lived on a Square Planet? Huh? HOW MANY OF YOU!!?!?!?
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ah feral, you and your knowledge of useless and insane, what would we do without ya
ReinMan ReinMan
Just as I thought! None of you! Well, I live on a VERY SQUARE PLANET and I can tell you that every side is EXACTLY THE SAME! So BACK OFF and leave poor SPITTLE alone or else I shall fart again!!!!!!! }:(
marcoballistic marcoballistic
now let us all get back to the image
Da_Dude Da_Dude
so would the gravity on a cubic planet be consistent?
Spritle Spritle
Wow, Zen what did I do to you? I promise you that as I sat in my basement I had no idea there where so many square globe images in this round world. I apologize if for some reason the image I have posted has offended your sense of fair play. honestly.
Spritle Spritle
OK. Thanks Zen
Da_Dude Da_Dude
love is in the air
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Love, exciting and new. Come aboard, we're expecting you Love, life's sweetest reward. Let it flow, it floats back to you. The Love Boat soon will be making another run. The Love Boat promises something for everyone.
Da_Dude Da_Dude oh yes that's pretty good!
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
Item the first: Rap music would be nowhere near as good without sampling. Second: This image is 1000 times better than the one on that link--Spritle has built a better mousetrap. Finally: I meant to say "TOLD" up there. End communication.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
i meant spritle ...
malnsk malnsk

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by Spritle
Created November 20, 2005
58 votes   31 comments
510w x 383h (63KB)

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