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Killer Plants
Killer Plants
My first entry, so be gentle please :)

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Micose Micose
great first shot :)
Govan Govan
good job
claudiolky claudiolky
downtownbrown374 downtownbrown374
:) nice first entry
bsoholic bsoholic
kentq kentq
mean little critters...nice job
TheShaman TheShaman
Kansas Kansas
billtvshow billtvshow
Michel Michel
anabrin anabrin
Great job!
Lrossa Lrossa
mikey mikey
Killer, killer plants! ~ dont get your finger too close! lol! ~
wendysmurfie wendysmurfie
nice first! welcome
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Welcome, but your plant just ate my poodle!
rashdog rashdog
good job
dbbowling dbbowling
wicked :D
Azionite Azionite
great first entry.. welcome!
Gort Gort
Cool nevermind weedkiller get the flamethrower out! ;)
bigbuck bigbuck
Queen La Tiff Queen La Tiff
Wow-first entry?!? You're a natural. Now say goodbye to your friends and family.
CarlC CarlC
seems so obvious now that I see it! WELCOME
Grefix Grefix
yikes! sure this is your first one?
Denise Denise
As a botanic...first time I see one of that... give the scientific name please
nyxxie nyxxie
arcaico arcaico
is it the tilted hottie avatar season yet? :P
Stevster Stevster
nice one Jess, keep chopping
delucx delucx
nice first entry :)
Goat1981 Goat1981
Great first entry!!!
DaVinci DaVinci
I'm proud of you :)
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
I can't believe all these suck-up votes cause she's hot. Oops :-)
Eve Eve
Gnarly. Welcome aboard!
JGarland2269k JGarland2269k
WOW that is cool....and a bit scary
Alex Alex
HAHAHAHAHA @ Canuck... I was about to write the same thing! So true... Anyway. Here's the damn vote, I wanna be your friend too...
mason4300 mason4300
dang, your first entry, and you're holding first place! Nice job, I commend you!
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Serps Serps
anfa anfa
arc, I think all the noobs ar ganging up!
woodie woodie
Very Cool!
tsitra tsitra
good solid idea, welcome.
Derivatix Derivatix
cool one, gets my vote even if the theeth are a bit blurry. Welcome to PSC!
Heinlein Heinlein
Synthvet Synthvet
Meaty Meaty
Great first submission Jessy, look forward to seing some more subs from you.
Chukn8r Chukn8r
clantoncs clantoncs
Looks wonderful! I, too, cannot believe this is your first chop (not that it matters). Welcome, get ready for a lot of sexual harassment. It's a regular sausage party here sometimes.
Wett Wett
Caldera Caldera
Hairy venus flytrap vote
Cambria Cambria
OMG!! Brilliant. Welcome to PSC
milu milu
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Great 1st, look forward to more;)
cafn8d cafn8d
Welcome aboard! And welcome to the Chop Chicks! Just ignore the boys' club... although Arc did label himself right. He can be a di.. (Love ya' Arc, but you know it's true!)


mikey mikey
This is your first entry? ~ great! welcome to the machine" ~ enjoy!
Michel Michel
great avatar!
Jessy Jessy
Wow! thanks people for all the votes, I am surprised! :D I think I am gonna like it here!
dbbowling dbbowling
Strong first entry
billtvshow billtvshow
Wow, winning on your first entry, congrats! For future reference, the teeth look a bit flat in places where they have been stretched to fit the flowers. Finding a higher quality source for the mouth that also "fits" the flowers would be the easiest fi
billtvshow billtvshow
fix. That would also solve the problem of the mouths looking too blurry as well. Otherwise, you could consider redrawing and reshadowing the teeth in order to make them fit in the picture better. Anyways, looking good so far.
claudiolky claudiolky
Yes!!!! Teacher billtvshow is right. But for the first entry you made a strong work. Cheering for you.
Kansas Kansas
Wow... first entry... You will bewildly successful here... Consider joining Chop chicks! You would be very welcome there!
Kansas Kansas
PS... The only sad part is you will never truly know how hard it is to win at PSC....LOL
arcaico arcaico
bill, what the hell are you talking about???? flat teeth??? who cares??? she's hot!!!
anfa anfa
Very ol idea!!!!!
anfa anfa
anfa anfa
Hey arc, I think all the noobs ar ganging up against us! ;)
arcaico arcaico
it's a conspiracy mate... I can tell you... it's a conspiracy!!!!
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
Alas the achilles' heel of the anfa/Rey Rey reflex vote - hotness!!! Um...Ya...I'm really a hot blonde too...ya.
anfa anfa
Fuck me, the fish fell fo an avatar!!!!
Canuck <º)))>< Canuck <º)))><
nah, I was making a joke/point. Likely fake avatar of all people should know how it is here :-)
supak0ma supak0ma
the teeth look so blurred
Jessy Jessy
Hey guys, thanks for all the votes and messages! What a warm welcome! :D Uhm for the single men out here, I already have a b/f...he's also on this site! :) He learned me how to chop! So uhm, am I the only girl here?
Jessy Jessy
PS: Yes it is me on the picture (avatar)
Jessy Jessy
How do I join the chop chicks? :)
arcaico arcaico
I already have a b/f... gimme my vote back!! pffft!!! lol
arcaico arcaico
to join the chop chicks you have to go through some tasks first... like, dishing for the chop dicks, cooking for the chop dicks, bringing beer to the chop dicks, and eventually, strip to the chop dicks. After that, you qualify to be a chop chick.
Eve Eve
Whoa...Arc, this is a lady and she's new to this site. Let's show some respect. Jessy, you've already joined us Chop Chicks. Welcome to PSC. Shaddup, Arc!
anfa anfa
Eve, give him a slap! Hahahhahaha!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
Alias much

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 Killer Plants
by Jessy
Created March 30, 2006
54 votes   26 comments
499w x 550h (74KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  10
humor  0
idea  8
theme  1

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